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We are constantly bombarded with new reports on how different foods are either good or bad for our health and it can be confusing to say the least! Today we discuss bread, is it good for us, or bad, and is there a difference between different types – white gets some bad press, but is it really so unhealthy? Let me explain in the light of some new research.
Are we all quite clear on what ‘brown’ bread actually is? There are so many different types of bread, from wholemeal to wholewheat to sourdough – many of them can fall into the ‘brown’ category, so, what are some of the key differences between brown and white varieties of bread? First, let’s go back to basics and think how bread is made. Grains are used to make bread, such as wheat.
Grains are technically classed as small edible fruit (as they contain a seed which can be used for reproduction). Unsurprisingly, this means they are highly nutritious, and the different layers making up a grain each have something to offer:
Inner germ – This is a nutrient storehouse! Often packed full of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.
Endosperm – The endosperm is the fuel compartment of the grain, it is rich in carbohydrates which can be used for energy along with good quality protein
Outer bran layer – The outer protective coating also called the bran, is rich in fibre and additional vitamins and minerals.
So, all parts of the grain are beneficial in some way, whether it’s the fibre, protein or essential mineral content that it's providing. That's why wholegrain varieties – which means the end food products contains all three parts of the grain – are thought to be more beneficial. More of the grain is used and they aren’t so processed, leaving the grain more intact. The grains are therefore able to retain more of their colour which gives rise to a darker end product. Hence, why darker coloured or ‘brown’ breads are often associated with good health!
Now, let’s just run through some of the different types.
Wholewheat – Wholewheat bread means that the bread is made from the entire wheat grain, all of which is in the end product.
Wholegrain – Wholegrain means that the bread can be made from any type of whole grain. A personal favourite of mine, as this means all different tasty and nutritious seeds can be used – from linseeds (good for constipation and packed with omega-3) to millet which is rich in protein.
Sourdough – Sourdough can be made using a variety of different flours from wholewheat to rye flour. The main difference being, Sourdough is made using a fermented dough using naturally occurring bacteria and yeast – thought to have additional health benefits, especially in terms of the digestibility of the bread and the bioavailability of nutrients.
So, it seems that brown varieties certainly have their benefits. However, don’t be caught out – any bread options which include the word ‘whole’ in their name, indicate that whole grains of some sort are being used, which as we now know, are preferable. However, if bread is simply labelled ‘brown’ with no mention of the word ‘whole’ it isn’t likely to be much less processed than your average white bread!
So now we’ve talked about the fantastic benefits of wholegrain breads, where does white bread come into all of this?
White bread is generally more processed, which means the grains being used are refined. This means the fibre-dense outer bran and the nutrient-rich germ are processed out – which only leaves the starchy, carbohydrate rich endosperm. As a result, the end product is white, fine and not very nutrient-rich (maybe some protein if you’re lucky) – say hello to white bread.
So, from what we know so far, brown bread is superior in terms of the nutrients that it provides and in terms of the lesser proportion of refined carbohydrate content. Then we have varieties such as sourdough which may be used with wholegrain flour, but also use a fermented dough which may also have its benefits.
However, despite many studies looking at which breads are best in terms of their nutritional status, not many have looked at the effects breads have on our bodies, and in particular our guts. Until now, that is – and the results are quite surprising!
This new study looked at a number of factors to see what effects the different types of bread had on different people. Interestingly, initially there weren’t many differences (for example in nutrient status of the participants), but after further analysis, some significant results started to appear1.
First, they looked at glycaemic index responses (this is how quickly our blood sugar spikes in response to different carbohydrate-based foods). Initially there didn’t seem to be any differences, but with further investigation, it was found that individual people had different glycaemic responses to the different types of bread1. Further to this, their results appeared to be dependent on their gut bacteria.
The research team acknowledged that more research was required, but their results highlighted some key findings. Basically, there were individual differences in the blood sugar reactions to the different types of bread as a result of the different gut bacteria people possessed. So, the balance of bacteria in our gut may actually predict how we react to certain foods – fascinating!
So, what does this mean for us in terms of our bread choices in future?
Now, let me explain where my advice stands on bread in simpler terms:
But, taking the results of this new research into consideration, the best advice I can give you is to listen to your body. Although fibre is generally deemed very healthy, some people with gut concerns don’t react so well to it. So, it’s up to you to listen to your body and understand the effects that the food you eat has on you. It’s your symptoms that are important rather than sticking to a one-size-fits-all diet!
1.Korem, T, et al. Bread affects clinical parameters and induces gut microbiome-associated personal glycemic responses. Cell Metabolism, 2017, 25(6), (1243-1253)
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Noco — 02.10.2017 06:29
Do you know what research there has been made regarding of grains that have been treated with 'dessicants'? Would whole grains thus contain more of this weedkiller?

Emma — 02.10.2017 11:12
Hi Noco, as far as I know chemicals such as glyphosate are often used as desiccants which, like other herbicides have some controversial evidence surrounding them. I would recommend sticking to organic products wherever possible.

Junie — 26.08.2017 18:40
Hi Emma
I have been eating warburtons whole grain and oat bread.
I have Ibs and now told I have high cholesterol.
I would like to make my own bread in my bread maker, do you have any good healthy recipes please.
Many thanks

Emma — 29.08.2017 11:15
Hi Junie, yes, making your own bread is often preferable so you know exactly what ingredients are included! We have a couple of bread recipes which might be of use to you, simply copy and paste the URL's below into your browser:

Junie — 29.08.2017 15:55
Thanks, is wholegrain and oats a better option, if so do you know where I can get the recipe please.

Emma — 30.08.2017 10:59
Hi Junie, there are lots of recipes available online, this one might be a nice option for you!

Junie — 30.08.2017 15:49
Thanks so much

Susanne mcguinness — 21.06.2017 06:26
This was very interesting as I make my own wholemeal bread and now get heartburn if I eat any other bread.

Emma — 21.06.2017 11:11
Hi Susanne - thanks, this just highlights the importance of cooking and baking homemade products as it means you know exactly what are in the ingredients!

shirley — 19.06.2017 07:18
interesting - more about gluten free grains please.

Emma — 19.06.2017 08:24
Hi Shirley, thanks for the topic request! We will take this on board.

youssouf — 17.06.2017 19:49
tank you

Anne Evans — 17.06.2017 17:40
Have sent you a email regarding something, but had no reply, and just had a email off you and it didnt have no reply.

Emma — 19.06.2017 08:24
Hi Anne, sorry about this! If you contact me directly at emma.ross@bioforce.co.uk I will reply to you as soon as possible.

Junie — 17.06.2017 17:15
Hi Emma
Thanks so much

Susan van Zyl — 17.06.2017 16:42
My Husband lives with a ileostomy and does not do good with fibre. (very loose stool after eating it) White bread containing oats did less harm.

Emma — 19.06.2017 08:24
Another example of finding what works best for you - thanks Susan.

Heather Howie — 16.06.2017 15:17
Thanks for clarifying the difference. It's a simple choice but an important one. Good to know.

Janine Parkinson — 16.06.2017 10:48
The only bread I can tolerate at the moment is Warburtons White Danish...anything else, including brown gives me tummy ache. I don't need gluten-free, and gave up bread for a number of months, which didn't make any difference to my psoriasis. We baked our own bread for a year, but I even have to be careful with home-baked bread unless it is very "light". Presume it is the fats used in the heavier breads that is my problem.

Emma — 16.06.2017 13:35
Hi Janine, it’s very interesting, and as the article highlights our gut bacteria may even predict how we respond to different products! It could also be certain components such as the fat, fibre (may also be worth looking into FODMAPs) or sugar content of certain foods that we are reacting to. Going forward you may also find keeping a food diary can help determine what works and what doesn’t.

Babs Robertson — 15.06.2017 19:54
I find white rolls good to help loose stools.

Emma — 16.06.2017 07:59
Hi Babs, often the fibre content of bread can help our bowels! It might be worth reading labels to take note of the different fibre contents, but again it's what works best for you!

Sue Camp — 17.06.2017 18:12
Have you tried fresh uncut white soda bread? It's delicious so you never feel deprived.

Junie — 15.06.2017 19:20
Do you know of any makes of whole grain bread please.
I looked in the supermarket and can only find wholmeal and wholewheat.
Thanks so much

Emma — 16.06.2017 07:59
Hi Junie, often with wholegrain breads there are different grains in there rather than just wheat – a company called Food for Life for example do a nice variety of wholegrain breads. However, wholemeal does also mean that the whole grain is used in the making of the bread so this is a nice option! You will then see from the ingredients exactly what grain is used, wheat is often more readily used, but your local health food store or deli may have different varieties.