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Yes, it can! We have had more queries on menopausal joint pains this last month than any other symptom, so I thought I would go into this again in more detail. Today I'll be looking at what causes muscle and joint pain in the menopause, and what you can do to relieve this unpleasant symptom.
So here goes…
Joint pain is such a common menopause symptom, and yet most of us aren’t aware of the structure of our joints and just know that they hurt or don’t hurt, as the case may be. So here’s a quick round-up of the important parts.
Muscles are bundles of fibrous tissue that contract and release to pull bones in the directions we require them to go.
Tendons connect muscles to the bones so that they can haul them around.
Ligaments connect bones to other bones, so that when one is pulled, another can also come along for the ride.
Falling oestrogen levels can affect the hydration of the joints, ligaments and tendons and this in turn can affect the joints in several ways. It can cause:
Any of the joints can be affected with this, from little joints such as fingers and toes right up to the major joints such as the hips.
Falling oestrogen can also affect the uptake and utilisation of magnesium; and magnesium is vital for proper muscle function. So low magnesium can cause:
1. Water!! Dehydration is so common these days, so drinking plenty of plain water is vital for so many menopause issues including keeping the joints well hydrated. It is really amazing how many women have got back to me saying that drinking more water has reduced their symptoms really quickly! Also, at this time of the year when it is hot are you upping your water intake to compensate?
If your joints are sore or creaky first thing then ease off as they day goes on, it may mean that you are really dehydrated during the night, so make sure that you have a small glass of plain water about an hour before bed – this is really important if you are getting night sweats as these will dehydrate you further.
2. Although joint/muscle aches tend to put you off exercise this is really important for several reasons. Firstly: exercise will strengthen the muscles that support the joints making symptoms less likely. Secondly: exercise will help to control your weight. The best types of exercise to do if your joints or muscles are sore are yoga, swimming and (depending on which joints are affected) cycling.
3. Check your diet – caffeine, fizzy drinks, citrus fruits, members of the Deadly Nightshade family (potatoes, tomatoes, aubergines and peppers), high salt and sugar foods can all trigger inflammation in the joints and sometimes just cutting these out can make a huge difference.
4. Try anti-inflammatory herbs such as Devil’s Claw. This tends to work quickly on relieving pain all over the body. For the small joints you could apply Arnica Gel topically.
5. Take a magnesium supplement to help with muscle aches and cramps. A liquid one would be best but you could also take a magnesium citrate capsule or use a magnesium skin spray on the affected muscles. Make sure that your diet is high in magnesium-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, dried fruits and dark green leafy veg.
6. I would recommend getting a check up with a Chiropractor or Osteopath, as they can detect if any joints are out of line and also recommend exercises to help.
7. The Alexander Technique can teach you how to hold your posture correctly and can be very effective at alleviating joint pain.
8. If you have back/shoulder ache along with sore breasts, get measured professionally – most big department stores offer a free service. (I went to get measured a while ago and was horrified to find that I was way out in my bra size and I now go once a year. A proper fitting bra also makes you look so much better and slimmer!)
During the menopause breast tissue, density and shape can change quite dramatically and a poor fitting bra –especially if you wear under-wired ones – can cause both backache and sore breasts. However, it is very important to get any breast changes checked out by your doctor as well!
Do you suffer from aches and pains but didn’t realise the menopause could be causing it?
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PamelaParker — 17.06.2020 12:03
Interesting article! I never knew that before reading this. Useful information I gathered from this article. Opioids, sometimes called narcotics, are a type of drug. Some doctors prescribe them for chronic pain. Opioids can cause side effects such as drowsiness, mental fog, nausea, and constipation. They may also cause slowed breathing, which can lead to overdose deaths. Source - addictionrehabcenters.com

karen — 05.10.2017 23:08
Do you get aches in your chest with menopause

Hawa — 23.09.2017 16:54
I am female and 60 years old. I suffer with aches and cold pains throughout my body at night

Eileen — 26.09.2017 13:02
Hello sorry to hear that you are not well, I would check your symptoms out with the doctor, first of all, if you have not already. In the meantime, I hope some of the information on this page will help. You may benefit from high level magnesium supplement and Vit B complex to support your system.