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We are getting a lot of queries from women who have been taken off HRT by their doctor or have decided to do it themselves and are finding things really tough. Menopause symptoms which they thought would be a thing of the past often resurface with a vengeance and they are at a loss as to what to do.
To get a better understanding as to why this is happening we need to look at what exactly HRT does.
Many women are under the impression that HRT is a miracle drug that will stop the menopause in its tracks and that they will emerge on the other side symptom-free and feeling wonderful. In reality, all HRT does is provide the body with large doses of hormones that trick the body into thinking that the menopause is not happening. Your own natural levels are still falling throughout the menopause but the HRT masks this.
If symptoms are severe, then HRT can be helpful because it is replacing the declining levels of their natural hormones; but the problem arises when coming off the HRT.
A natural menopause takes about five years for the hormones to finally reach their new low levels and during this time the body gradually learns to balance itself and gets used to having less.
When you stop HRT, especially if it is done overnight or too quickly, your hormone levels fall from up high to really low within a very short space of time. Your body can struggle to adapt quickly enough to this, and a whole range of menopausal symptoms can come back. You are, after all, going through another menopause – albeit a very quick and sudden one!
We are proud of the products we offer and the high standard of customer service we deliver. Our customers love us so much they give us a customer rating of 4.8 out of 5!
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Hazel — 20.04.2017 06:39
I didn't see my regular GP today. My GP's previously have said that I can have it till at least 60 but this one, not even my GP wanted me to come off it. I nearly had an argument with her. I know even if I miss days or a week of tablets that my symptoms surge back and I get migraine, depressed, panicky exhausted to night and day flushes, dry itchy everywhere. I am panicking now. She gave me 6 mths and has written stuff on the computer. I know while I work for the NHS and it's huge emotional and physical demands that I need this HRT. I would either hit my bullying bosses or kill myslef unable to cope with the panicky and depressed and exhausted feelings. Any advice?