Don't always blame the poor old menopause!

Eileen Durward
Ask Eileen

19 August 2015

Menopause always gets the blame

The poor old menopause seems to get the blame for just about everything that can go wrong with us ladies of a certain age! You may be amazed to hear the things we get asked such as ‘Is the spot on my nose the start of the menopause?’ to ‘I have put on 1 stone in a month is this the menopause?’ or even ‘I have got a bad cold is this the menopause?’

Now, many things can be attributed to the menopause, even really strange symptoms (and we have certainly had some), but many so-called menopausal symptoms can be unrelated to your hormones, so it is important to know when to blame the menopause or when to seek medical advice!

The following symptoms are all common ones in the menopause; however, check with your doctor too, as there are other possible causes that just happen to manifest around the same time as the menopause. It’s particularly advisable to check with your doctor if you have had these symptoms for more than a few weeks, if they are not getting any better, or if they are getting worse/causing pain or discomfort.

Please be aware that these recommendations are not meant to scare you but just to make sure that you are seeking medical advice when appropriate.

Dizziness & Headaches

Dizziness is really common in the menopause and is often caused by dehydration and low blood sugar levels, or too much coffee, tea, fizzy drinks or sugary/salty foods. However, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, anaemia (low iron), low thyroid function or heart issues might be involved.

Headaches can be caused by dehydration, low blood sugar levels, too much tea, coffee, etc., or stress. But high blood pressure, sinusitis, neck or shoulder damage, dental problems, ear infection, arteritis (inflammation of the lining of the arteries) or glaucoma could also be causative factors. Persistent or violent headaches should always be checked out, especially if they are new to you.

Joint pain

Joint pain is a really common symptom in the menopause, but it could also be age-related arthritis or an inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Sudden weight gain or weight loss

Weight gain seems to be a standard symptom of the menopause but if you put weight on really fast it could be low thyroid or other endocrine issues. If you have just started HRT and put on weight quickly it could be this too!

Weight loss is not so common in the menopause but if you lose a lot of weight quickly and haven’t changed your diet and lifestyle then this needs checking out. It could be due to an over-active thyroid.


Fatigue is again one of the most common symptoms women tell us about, but if it is ongoing/relentless and really affects your quality of life it could be caused by low iron levels, low thyroid function, low vitamin D levels or adrenal fatigue.

Prolonged periods with lots of bleeding or flooding

We are continually amazed at how many women put up with this for weeks and weeks, thinking it must just be the menopause. Although heavy and prolonged periods are common at the start of the menopause it is really not good for you and does need treating. Please don’t be fobbed off by your doctor who may say it is OK: it’s not! It could just be the way your hormones are falling but could also be caused by fibroids or other cysts or tumours so it is vital to get this one checked ASAP! Even if it is ‘just’ the menopause, you can get medication to stem the bleeding – extreme blood loss is never healthy.

Constant bloating

As with the previous symptom constant bloating affects many women but is not something to put up with without checking possible causes such as fibroids and gallstones.

Vaginal discharge

This is a very common one too, but if it is discoloured or smells different or itches or doesn’t stop it could be an infection

Breast/nipple tenderness

Pain or tenderness of the breasts or nipples is common at the start of the menopause but it is important to get any breast changes checked by your doctor. If there is any kind of discharge from the nipples it is vital to get this checked asap.

Don't suffer in silence!

We are constantly amazed at how many of you are willing to put up with symptoms, sometimes for months on end, that are actually crying out for attention when, in fact, a quick visit to your doctor or practitioner could easily sort things out! So please don’t suffer in silence.

If any other menopause symptoms are worrying you why not drop me an email and I will be happy to help –

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