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Our menopause expert Eileen Durward is on hand to tackle one of the most maligned and well-known menopause symptoms - hot flushes. A common symptom of the menopause, hot flushes can be triggered by changing hormones, lifestyle and diet. They affect almost 75% of menopausal women and can also be linked to other menopause symptoms, such as stress and anxiety.
Hot flushes are a common symptom of the menopause experienced by 75% of menopausal women and can be described as a sudden feeling of warmth or heat in the body. Hot flushes may occur on their own but are often accompanied by night sweats or excessive sweating during the day.
Hot flushes and sweats can also be accompanied by feelings of nausea, dizziness or a general feeling of being unwell.
There are other causes of hot flushes apart from the menopause. For example, men may sometimes experience the symptom but in general, when the term 'hot flush' is used, it refers to symptoms experienced by women going through the menopause.
The term 'hot flushes' is used in the UK by women going through the menopause. In the USA, the term 'hot flashes' is used. Both mean exactly the same thing - the most common symptom experienced by women during the menopause.
Hot flushes during menopause may be felt all over the body but most commonly affect only the face and neck. Flushes make women feel 'hot' with reddening of the skin. Hot flushes often accompany, or contribute as one of the causes of sweating during the menopause.
As hot flushes and sweating during the menopause are such prominent symptoms, frequently occuring together, many women going through the menopause use the terms 'hot flushes' and 'menopausal sweats' interchangeably.
Hot flushes associated with the menopause can occur at any time. Some women experience these as the main symptom of menopause. Others sail through the menopause without problems, experiencing hot flushes at the time of their last period. For a few, symptoms can continue for years beyond the end of menstruation.
Experience however does show that a quick transition from regular, normal periods to no periods can be one of the causes of hot flushes becoming more prominent.
Menopause hot flushes and sweats can happen at any time of the day (often at the most inconvenient or worst possible moment). They can occur as often as several times an hour - not good for that silk blouse.
The number of episodes experienced each day by an average woman varies greatly. Each hot flush can last a few seconds or up to several minutes.
The root cause of hot flushes is not clear. What is known is that the part of the brain that senses and controls body temperature (and other body functions) is the hypothalamus.
During the menopause, oestrogen levels fall. Although not fully understood, scientists think that this fall in oestrogen causes a glitch in the way the hypothalamus senses body temperature, making it think that you are too hot.
This causes a response designed to cool the body down. More blood goes to the skin (one of the causes of hot flushes and reddening of the skin) and sweat glands start working (the menopausal sweat).
One of the causes of hot flushes during the menopause is known to be changes in the external environment. For example, moving between indoors and outdoors with big differences in temperature.
This is the reason women find that symptoms can be more common in the summer, or when entering a well-heated room during cold weather. Other triggers or causes of menopause hot flushes include stress, anxiety, heightened emotions and even eating spicy foods.
Hot flushes pose no real medical danger. However, when occurring at night and accompanied by night sweats, they can disturb your sleep and that of your partner. This in turn, can cause you to feel moody, affect concentration and energy levels.
Although the cause of hot flushes is initially put down to the menopause, there are other reasons why you might experience this symptom. These include:
Dietary problems
Heart problems
Some cancers
Hot flushes can also be experienced by men who are obviously not going through the same menopause stages as women. If you are suffering from hot flushes and do not feel that the menopause is the cause of these symptoms, you should speak to your doctor for advice.
Extracts of sage herb, such as Menoforce® Sage tablets, have become one of the most popular menopause treatments, gaining a reputation as a simple way of helping deal with hot flushes, night sweat and excessive sweating during the menopause.
"These tablets are amazing. I was having hot flushes 8-10 times a day and night. Within 3 days of taking sage I noticed a huge difference and a month down the line am not suffering at all." Tamsin, UK
TIP: Discover what other women are saying about sage and how it has helped them.
One-a-day tablet for menopausal hot flushes and night sweats. Also available in 90 tablet size. More info
Alfred Vogel said that 'Good health is about more than taking remedies'. If you are going through the menopause, there are a number of steps you can take to help yourself.
As menopause symptoms can be so wide ranging, the best way to prepare yourself for 'the change' is to look at all aspects of your life:
Schwingl PJ. Obstet Gynecol 1994;84:29-34
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Sandra — 08.03.2021 11:38
I wake up hot at night tried cold room and light top

eileen — 15.03.2021 13:32
Hi Sandra
You could try the sage tablets as these can often help with heat at night

Carmel Stone — 05.05.2019 03:40
Having hot flushes

Eileen — 08.05.2019 03:05
Hello Carmel, Give Menoforce sage a try for hot flushes. I hope the article above helps.

Frances — 07.10.2017 05:36
How would i know if I'm having hot flushes?

Tracy mcnab — 20.09.2017 20:49
I suffer from the sweats mood s swings and sleepless nights

Katrina — 17.09.2017 00:44
I finding theses night hot sweats just to much ! The menepuse support has worked for my day flushes but my night ones are keeping me up I'm getting 2 hours a night can't cope ?

Katrina — 17.09.2017 00:43
I finding theses night hot sweats just to much ! The menepuse support has worked for my day flushes but my night ones are keeping me up I'm getting 2 hours a night can't cope ?

eileen — 19.09.2017 09:14
Hi Katrina
You could try the Menoforce sage tablet with your evening meal, this is specifically for flushes and sweats and usually starts to work quite quickly. It is fine to take with the Menopause Support. Remember to drink lots of plain water as sweats/flushes cause dehydration and dehydration can make all your symptoms worse!