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In this page, our menopause expert Eileen Durward offers helpful tips and advice concerning the menopause, addressing the role that our diet, lifestyle and behavioural patterns can play in alleviating menopausal symptoms.
The menopause gets rather a rough press in our society as we don't usually value age and experience the way they do in less Westernised cultures.
There are many things you can do for your health to ensure that the menopause is embraced rather than dreaded. Why not try a few of the health tips below to help you through the menopause and into the next phase of your life.
There are some dietary changes you can make to help you through the menopause:
Exercise is very good for both body and mind as it releases natural chemicals in the body that make us feel happy.
If you are looking for a herbal remedy for low mood, you might wish to consider Hyperiforce® St. John's Wort tablets.
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Lux — 07.09.2021 08:50
Thank you for these tips. Hope they help improve my life.

eileen — 07.09.2021 11:22
Do let me know how you get on!

Teresa O'Halloran — 29.06.2021 19:35
I think my hot flushes have caused me to develop rosacea on my cheeks.

eileen — 30.06.2021 15:18
Hi Teresa
It is possible that hormonal changes can affect the skin.

Jane — 13.05.2020 18:42
Hi , is it ok to still take joint care as well as menopace?

Eileen — 14.05.2020 08:09
Hi Jane
Joint Care and Menopace are not our products so you would need to contact them for this advice, sorry.

Michele Winburn — 14.10.2019 03:34
I have been reading through your site, it seems like you really know your stuff. I wanted to get your take on this Yoga Program

Ann Hayes — 12.06.2019 22:11
Hello Eileen, I'm going through surgical menopause, I'm 50 and aside from all other symptoms, my legs are so painful from the knees down and swelling too. Thanks.

Eileen — 13.06.2019 08:36
Hi Ann
Joint paons are common with low oestrogen but there are things you can do to help yourself. I have posted a video blog on joint pains so please do take a look.

Lesley Guest — 20.12.2018 19:47
Should I take the sage tablets at night as my sweats are worse then???

Eileen — 21.12.2018 10:00
Hi Lesley
Yes, if the night symptoms are the worst then you can take the tablet with your evening meal - it is best taken with food rather than on an empty stomach.

Sue — 25.09.2017 06:41
Hi. I'm 50 yr old. The last 2 yr I av gained 31st. I have dun nothing different to put this weight on. I'm also a very poor sleeper for yrs. I av night swets.

eileen — 26.09.2017 14:05
Hello Sue, I hope our tips are helpful. If you would like to email eileen@avogel.co.uk I can discuss this further.

karen — 06.09.2017 15:05
Hi, I am just so tired all the time, I could sleep all day but as soon as I get to bed cant sleep at all. Tried doing activities during the day, but just want sleep when done. Is this normal?

Eileen — 07.09.2017 15:30
Hi Karen, The changing hormones during the menopause can be very demanding on the body so it is important not to do too much. Low iron and low thyroid function can cause fatigue too and your doctor can test for these just to rule them out to clarify this symptoms for you.

Sue giles — 24.08.2017 13:02
Im in the menopause and very very tired what is the best thing to take

eileen — 25.08.2017 10:02
Hi Sue
You may find a course of Siberian Ginseng can help reduce fatigue, but rest and relaxation are really important too so try and get some me-time every day!
however, if the fatigue has been going on for a while or it is getting worse then it is best to check with your doctor. Low iron and low thyroid function can cause fatigue too and your doctor can test for these just to rule them out.

Clare — 18.08.2017 13:14
Hi my mum is going through the menopause and suffers from anxiety she has mostly every symptom but has lately started getting really bad migraines could you please tell me if taking these vitamins will help her and if anything additional will help?

eileen — 18.08.2017 14:44
Hello, If your mum has lots of symptoms caused by the menopause, then the Menopause support tablets can help. They contain a little magnesium which can help tension headaches, and she could add in an additional magnesium supplement, if she wanted. However, it is important to get migraines checked out by the doctor in case there is another underlying reason.

Irene — 15.08.2017 06:58
Cannot sleep bad night sweats

eileen — 16.08.2017 12:37
Hi Irene
You may find the sage tablets helpful for the night sweats, you can take one with your evening meal, these usually start to work quite quickly.

Rhonda — 19.07.2017 09:17
Hi im 45 ...im not sure if ive started the.menopaise as my hot flushes arw throufh the day...any help ? Please

eileen — 19.07.2017 12:45
Hi Rhonda
The average age to start the menopause is 45-55 so you are just in the right age range and hot flushes can start even if you are still getting regular periods. However, flushes can also be caused by stress/anxiety, low vitamin D or low iron so it may be an idea to see your doctor for a general check up.