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Women may experience many different symptoms during the menopause but most can be improved with the use of natural remedies. Here, our menopause expert Eileen Durward is on hand to explore the best herbal remedies to use for each menopausal symptom.
Many women going through the menopause do not require treatment as they experience few symptoms. However, if menopausal symptoms affect quality of life, a number of natural based herbal remedies can be considered.
This page provides you with information on how you can use herbs to treat menopausal symptoms. It is intended as a guide – if you are worried about your health or suffer severe symptoms, you should consult your doctor.
Many symptoms of the menopause can also benefit from tweaks to your diet or lifestyle. For more information, see our page on Tips for a Healthy Menopause.
Extracts of soy have been used for many years to support women through the menopause. They can be used at all stages of the menopause and are particularly useful when a woman experiences a broad range of symptoms such as tiredness, irritability, poor memory and a general feeling of not being oneself. Supplements made from fermented soya beans contain isoflavones which are absorbed better by the body and hence, work better.
Soy isoflavones can be used together with other herbs targeting specific symptoms – for instance, if hot flushes are particularly troublesome, use together with Sage.
Sage, or Salvia officinalis, is well known as a kitchen or culinary herb. It is traditionally used as a stuffing for roasts, but it also has another long-standing use as a herb to help combat excessive sweating during the menopause.
Sage is rich in essential oils and this is the reason it gives off a strong scent. These oils also form an important part in the plant’s medicinal function. Today, sage extracts are well known and widely used for their ability to help relieve the symptoms of menopausal sweats and hot flushes.
Find out more about using Sage tablets as a menopause treatment for hot flushes and night sweats.
In addition, lifestyle advice can also be useful for these menopause symptoms. See our pages on hot flushes and night sweats for more information.
Agnus castus is the herb of choice for treating PMS symptoms during the peri-menopause when big hormonal changes take place.
Symptoms of PMS such as period pain, breast tenderness, mood swings and irritability typically appear in the week or so before each monthly period, gradually worsen and resolve soon after the start of menstrual bleeding. The pattern and character of symptoms is the same as might be experienced in a younger woman.
Agnus catus is also known as Vitex Agnus castus or Chasteberry. Extracts obtained from the berries of the plant have a long history of use for treating menstrual symptoms in women still having their monthly cycle. The herb should not be used at the same time as other prescribed hormonal medicines such as HRT or the oral contraceptive pill.
St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) is another popular herb. It is said that the name of the plant arises from the fact that it is in full bloom and traditionally harvested on St John’s day – the 24th of June.
Much is now known about how St John’s wort helps treat symptoms of low mood and anxiety, especially during the menopause. One of the key active ingredients, a substance known as hypericin, was discovered many years ago. Since then, other plant substances such as hyperforin have also been known to contribute to the action of the herb.
Find out more about using St. John’s wort tablets as a menopause treatment for low mood.
The part of the valerian plant that is used medicinally is the root. Valeriana officinalis has been used for many decades to treat stress and anxiety. As it settles the mind and relaxes the body, it is also used to help aid sleep.
During the menopause, sleep is often disturbed due to night sweats. However, the menopause can, in addition, lead to sleep difficulties. If the reason you are sleeping poorly is because of night sweats, Sage will be the right choice for you.
If however, your sleep is disturbed for other reasons, you should consider a valerian based product. Find out more about valerian herb as a menopause treatment for disturbed sleep.
In addition, valerian can be found in products designed for stress relief. Find out more about menopause treatments for stress relief.
Many people are familiar with the use of homeopathic Arnica for bruising. However, when used as a herbal rub, arnica applied externally has pain relieving properties and helps aching muscles and stiff joints.
Arnica (Arnica montana or Mountain arnica) is found in hills and mountains all over Central Europe. However, such has been the popularity of the herb over the past decades that it is now a protected species in many countries.
Arnica is now cultivated in specific parts of Europe where the soil conditions are right. Find out more about using Arnica as a menopausal treatment for pain relief.
Devil’s Claw gets its name from the claw-like fruit produced by the plant. However, it is not the fruit, but the root of Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) that is used medicinally.
The plant grows almost exclusively in the Kalahari desert. It is widely used as a herbal remedy to relieve joint and muscle pain as well as back pain.
For women suffering from menopausal pains in muscles and joints, it is ideal for those who find that Arnica does not provide sufficient pain relief for their painful muscles and stiff joints.
Find out more about Devil’s Claw tablets as a menopausal treatment for painful joints.
Kelp, or Sea Kelp, is a group of plants known as brown algae. Although its name is a bit dull, this group of plants has very specific and versatile properties.
Kelp contains iodine – a substance important for normal thyroid function which in turn, helps the body maintain a healthy weight and vitality.
Sea kelp has been used as a food in many cultures and in healthcare for many centuries. Apart from its use to maintain thyroid function, kelp has also been used to help maintain normal growth and lustre of hair.
Find out more about Kelp as a menopause treatment to help maintain a normal, healthy weight.
A Ginkgo biloba tree is said to have survived the bombing of Hiroshima at the end of World War 2. This resilience has not gone unnoticed by those who believe that ginkgo is amongst our most valuable herbs when one is getting a bit long in the tooth.
Ginkgo is one of most researched herbs and as such we know that it helps maintain a normal blood circulation, especially circulation to the brain. This helps concentration and memory – in fact, one of the common names for Ginkgo in Chinese is “The Memory Tree”.
Find out more about Ginkgo biloba as a menopause treatment for poor memory.
Millet is used as a food in many cultures such as the Hunzakuts living in the mountainous Hunza Valley in Pakistan, a people known for their luxuriant hair.
Millet is a good source of silicon – an essential trace element important for improving the strength and structure of hair. It also contains proteins important for providing keratin from which our hair, skin and nails are made.
Find out more about Millet and A.Vogel Hair Complex.
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Kirsty — 18.01.2019 12:29
Thanks Eileen

Hester Greyling — 14.09.2018 06:12
Night sweats interrupt my sleep.

Eileen — 17.09.2018 06:09
Hi Hester
You may find the sage tablets helpful here as they are specifically for hot flushes and night sweats and usually work quickly, I would suggest taking one woth your evening meal. Remember to drink lots of water too!

Wendy-Ann — 05.09.2018 15:37
I have been having the whole battalion of symptoms over the past few months. Came off HRT in January after using for a few months. It did not agree with me that particular one as I was bleeding constantly for months. Since then I have been experiencing claustropia, night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings and recently severe aches and pains. My feet hurt when I have been off of them for a while. My left wrist is swollen and hurts a lot. The right wrist hurts but not swollen. Literally all my joints. I move like an old lady at times. I am 54 years old and was quite active before all of this. My weight has increased over the last few months as well. I have reading up on this site and the info provided has been extremely helpful. I thought the aches and pains were caused by some other problem. I will try the recommended remedies and see what happens.

Eileen — 06.09.2018 13:50
Hi Wendy-Ann
Do let me know how you get on!

Julie — 24.06.2018 06:23
Low mood

Eileen — 25.06.2018 13:10
Hi Julie
If you are not on any other medication you could try the herb Hypericum, this is often sued to help with low mood and anxiety and usually takes about 3-4 weeks to kick in.

Julie Curtis — 08.08.2017 12:59
47 nrly 48 next month

Julie Curtis — 08.08.2017 12:51
Plus losing weight

Julie — 08.08.2017 12:50
Yes but they are getting not heavy

eileen — 08.08.2017 14:51
Hi Julie
The average age to start the menopause is 45-55 and you are in the average age range so it is possible. However, your symptoms could be caused by other issues such as overactive thyroid (which can cause weight loss), low vitamin D or B12 so it is a good idea just to get a check up from your doctor. They may also be able to test your hormone levels and that will give you a better idea as to what is happening with them.

julie — 07.08.2017 15:42
I have baby type sweats. forget things .mood swings .itchy breast .tired and bloated feeling as though I have trapped wind am I menopause

eileen — 08.08.2017 10:51
Hi Julie
Please can you let me know how old you are and if you are still getting periods, thanks.