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The menopause can give rise to many symptoms, ranging form the widely recognised hot flush and sweats to obscure symptoms such as brittle nails and high blood pressure. Here, our menopause expert Eileen Durward is on hand to guide you through the menopause symptoms to expect and the natural solutions available.
Symptoms of the menopause can vary considerably from one person to the next. This page describes the 6 most common symptoms as compiled from questions asked at the A.Vogel menopause helpline.
It also gives a brief description of the less common symptoms you can expect when going through the menopause.
However, bear in mind that even if you are the ‘typical’ age, your symptoms may not be due to the menopause. If in any doubt, make an appointment with your doctor.
The hot flush, usually accompanied by sweating, is said to be the most common symptom encountered. It is experienced by over 80% of women going through the menopause. The problem arises as changes in hormone levels upset the temperature regulating part of the brain.
As hot flushes and sweats often occur together, the two terms are commonly used interchangeably to describe the same set of symptoms. A night sweat is simply excessive sweating or a hot flush at night. As night sweats can cause sleep problems, they have the potential be disruptive to quality of life.
Sudden changes in room temperature, eating spicy foods as well as stress can trigger hot flushes and sweats.
Menopause occurs when periods stop. However, it is rare that the monthly menstrual bleed ceases suddenly. Most commonly, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular with a tendency towards heavy, prolonged or painful periods.
This usually marks the start of the first stage of the menopause and is known medically as the Peri-menopause. Other symptoms such as irritability or low mood may also be present. These may appear or worsen in the week or so before each menstrual bleed and considered to be a form of PMS (Pre-menstrual syndrome).
Sometimes a woman may go for a few months without a period, only for it to return with a vengeance.
Excessively heavy periods may be an indication of fibroids affecting the womb or other gynaecological disorder, especially if accompanied by severe pain. It is always best to consult a doctor if you experience these symptoms.
Change in hormones during the menopause not only affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle. They can also cause breast pain or tenderness. This arises because the female hormones get thrown out of balance and is usually seen at around the time of ovulation or menstruation.
In addition, lower oestrogen levels, together with a decrease in testosterone during this time of life, can lead to a reduction in libido or sexual drive. This may be made worse as a result of vaginal dryness which arises because of a reduction in oestrogen, blood flow and lubrication.
Becoming older often means a natural reduction in physical activity – so the menopause will not be the only reason for weight gain. Having said that, changes in hormone levels do influence body weight, although the way it does this is not always consistent.
In general, women tend to gain weight during the menopause. Use this information to prepare yourself - exercise more and watch what you eat.
Decreasing levels of hormones during the menopause can affect the way the brain functions and women may experience the symptom of mood swings or low mood during the menopause. These symptoms are probably more common than we realise, and very occasionally, changes in hormones can even lead to depression.
Low mood during the menopause is not helped by the fact that this phase of life can be associated with children leaving home, creating ‘empty nests’ – not helpful when you are already feeling a bit down anyway.
Anxiety and irritability can also be part of the menopause. Some women find these symptoms similar in nature to Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and cope with them as such. Occasionally, anxiety or irritability may be accompanied by palpitations, or an awareness of one’s heartbeat.
Many women experience muscle pain whilst going through the menopause1. Studies have shown that 50% of post-menopausal women experience joint pain2. The most commonly affected areas of the body are the neck, shoulders, elbows and hands.
Hormones play an important role in a woman’s joint health and fluctuating oestrogen levels during the menopause can have an impact on how your muscles and joints behave. If you experience symptoms of joint or muscle pain and stiffness, there are a number of ways you can help yourself naturally.
Changing your diet can have a positive effect on these symptoms of menopause. Stay away from sugar and increase your intake of vitamin C. The use of arnica gel externally can also help to reduce the aches and pains experienced.
Other symptoms of the menopause are more rarely encountered and include:
Menopause headaches. These may be a direct outcome of irritability and anxiety. Although not fully understood, it seems that hormonal changes during the menopause may have a direct effect, giving rise to headaches in (probably) the same way that women with migraines suffer headaches at particular points in their menstrual cycle. Read more about headaches and the menopause.
Forgetfulness. Women may experience a tendency to memory lapses during the menopause. We are not sure why this happens, but what we know is that oestrogen receptors are found in many areas of the brain3.
Recent research has shown that women more troubled by hot flushes and night sweats had more memory problems because of disturbed sleep, if you are feeling low or anxious. The symptom often improves as one gets through the menopause. However, you can help yourself by ditching your pride and working with notes and lists.
Disturbed sleep. Night sweats and hot flushes are not the only reasons for sleep problems during the menopause. Changes in hormones during the menopause can, on its own, give rise to difficulty sleeping.
Symptoms include waking up often during the night, poor quality sleep and driving your partner mad tossing and turning through the night. If your sleep problems are not related to night sweats or hot flushes, you may wish to download our guide on what you can do when you are Sleeping Poorly.
Hair, skin and nails during the menopause. The condition of one’s hair, skin and nails can be a sign or symptom of how healthy we are.
During the menopause, some women find that these parts of the body lose condition, lustre and strength.
Hormonal changes during the menopause cause the connective tissue under our skin to become thinner and less elastic.
This can lead to the dreaded wrinkles but also affects the way our hair and nails are ‘fed’ nutritionally.
Bladder problems. Weakness of connective tissue may not simply affect hair, skin and nails during the menopause.These same changes can also affect the tissues controlling your bladder and you may find a need to pass urine more frequently during the menopause.In the same way, the tissues surrounding the vagina become weaker.
Digestive problems. These are also caused by weakness of connective tissue as the levels of hormones decline, making the digestive system less able to function normally. Symptoms such as indigestion and bloating may be experienced.
Osteoporosis. This condition is popularly known as ‘thinning of the bones’. It comes about when bones lose their calcium content and weaken.
The hormone oestrogen is an important factor stimulating the cells responsible for building bones. Lower levels of the hormone during and after the menopause cause a gradual loss of bone strength.
Although this tendency is seen in all menopausal women, not everyone is at risk of osteoporosis. Those with a family history of the problem, smokers and women who have been less physically active in the past are more prone to the problem.
Read more about osteoporosis.
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L Anne — 23.05.2021 18:00
Hi, I will be 47 in a few months time and I've been feeling very low, everything annoys me, mood swings, crying and feeling depressed for no reason, agitated, tired, can't get out of bed in the mornings (not me at all) and now flushes during the day (one minute sweating and the next freezing) and night sweats. Sensitivity on parts of my body. I do not have bleeding anymore but my body seems to go the other symptoms on a monthly basis. Is this the start of the Menopause?

eileen — 24.05.2021 11:44
Hi L Anne
It does sound like it, if your periods have stopped you would be classed as in the menopause. These symptoms are quite common ones too.

Alyson Storm — 11.05.2021 18:15
Hi my name is Alyson Storm I am almost 48 year's old I had a hysterectomy at 32 I still have one ovary, when will menapause begin I am getting hot flashes but not so bad but my breasts are always sore

eileen — 12.05.2021 14:01
Hi Alyson
When an ovary is left, you would normally have the menopause at roughly the same as you would have done, had you not had the operation. The average age for this is 45-55 so you are in the normal age range. Unfortunately, without missing periods as a guide it is difficult to tell if you are in the menopause. You can only go by specific menopause symptoms (flushes and sore breasts are very common ones) but the only way to tell for sure would be to ask your doctor for a hormone test.

colette — 08.12.2018 13:51
Hi just wondering im 45' yr don't know if im.starting the change or what....everything annoys me ..crying .....no appetite really....tired ....need help please

Eileen — 10.12.2018 09:35
Hi Colette
Please can you let me know if your periods are changing at all, thanks.

colette — 10.12.2018 09:35
Well I got them twice one month ...can get them didferent times of the month now but only once ....I am annoyed by everything ....no patience ...cry alot ....think im goin mad actually some times

Eileen — 10.12.2018 15:43
Hi Colette
Your symptoms are common ones and most women will experience them at some point! I have posted a video blog on this so please do take a look. https://www.avogel.co.uk/health/menopause/videos/the-mentalpause-revisited/

Lisa Dowling — 14.10.2018 18:13
I'm 49 and I have had a hysterectomy at 32 could I still get menopause

Eileen — 16.10.2018 06:14
Hi Lisa
Please can you let me know if you had a full hysterectomy or were your ovaries left, thanks. You can email me provately if you wish. eileen@bioforce.co.uk

Kelly — 05.09.2018 23:32
Im 40 i just wanying to know what are the sign of menopause

Eileen — 06.09.2018 14:25
Hi kelly
Hopefully the info above can help you. Please also check out https://www.avogel.co.uk/health/menopause/am-i-menopausal/

Janice — 30.04.2018 07:03
I'm 47. My nipples are sssoooo sensitive. I had surgery in September to remove a golf ball size lump. That the Dr thought was caused by caffeine. I have been hurting ever since. Is these part of the symptoms of perimenopause

eileen — 01.05.2018 09:58
Hi Janice
Sore nipples are really common in the peri-menopause and often respond well to supplements such as kelp, calcium and magnesium or nettle. Dehydration can be a factor too so remember to drink lots of plain water. However, if this started after the operation it is important to check this with your doctor as well just in case it is related.

Debbie — 07.10.2017 12:33
Hello, I have just signed up to your free trail hoping this will help. Periods started to alter about 3 years ago hot flushes and period every 3 weeks. Then I would have nothing for a month then period carry on again. Then not had a period for 3 months checked I wasn’t pregnant, then I have started bleeding again and been bleeding for the last 3 weeks non stop. Having a lot of headaches and a feeling of being drunk unsteady on feet. My joints and whole body is aching and feel a total mess.
Cannot seem to keep my concentrate properly either. Just need some help as really feel not coping now. Regards

Donna — 04.10.2017 19:12
Hi I'm 45 I've been trying for children for 10 years I've had tests done so there's nothing wrong with me but I didn't have my period last month I've been getting hot flushes but I've been getting them for over a year as I suffer from high blood pressure can anyone help me please I've also done 2 pregnancy tests that come back negative I'm suffering with headaches as well many thanks

eileen — 05.10.2017 09:26
Hi Donna
I would suggest asking your doctor for a hormone test to see if there is still a possibility of you getting pregnant. You could also check out www.foresight-preconception.org.uk for more advice.

Jayne — 04.10.2017 11:22
Thank you.

HELEN — 03.10.2017 20:56
Give anything a go

Eileen Black — 02.10.2017 22:09
I’m 46 now and I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago.. but they left my ovaries. The last two years, I’ve had terrible depression and mood swings so bad my marriage broke down. I’m now getting hot flushes, dreadful sweats day and night along with pain in my neck and shoulders. I also suffered my first migraine a few weeks ago. I’m going to ask the what I think I know already..Is this menopause ?? Oh and my memory has been shocking lately.
I’ve appointment made to see the doctor next week, to get my bloods done. But any recommendations would be gratefully received...

eileen — 03.10.2017 10:24
Hi Eileen
If your ovaries are left most women would have the menopause at roughly the same age as they would have done had they not had the operation so it is possible that you are starting. These are all common symptoms and migraines are often caused by a combination of lowering oestrogen and low magnesium. You may find our Menopause Support and an extra 200mg of magnesium can help to ease symptoms. Joint aches can often be helped with magnesium as well. Dehydration can be a big factor, flushes can dehydrate you really quickly which in turn can cause joint pains, anxiety/low mood, foggy thinking and migraines so remember to drink lots of plain water every day! However, it is always a good idea to check with your doctor just in case these are not related.

Clare King — 30.09.2017 21:51
I am 48 and no periods for two months feel hot dizzy spells sad depressed

eileen — 03.10.2017 10:24
Hi Clare
Missing periods are often an indication that you are starting the approach to the menopause and your symptoms are quite common ones. However, it is best to see your doctor re the dizziness and this can be caused by other factors such as low blood pressure. You may find a magnesium supplement and vitamin B Complex can ease the moods and remember to drink lots of water! You could also add in the Menopause Support as this is known to gently raise and balance oestrogen

Theresamaria — 26.09.2017 05:59
I've just had total hysterectomy and I was not prepared for the menopause wow I feel so sad and tired

Eileen — 26.09.2017 11:35
Hiya, It can take the body time to heal and recover. Try to look after yourself by eating a well balanced nutritious diet, relaxing and drinking plenty of plain water. A magnesium supplement can aid mood and anxiety and a good female multi-vit can help support you. You could also consider acupuncture to help the hormonal imbalance and ease symptoms. Take care

Samantha — 25.09.2017 07:08
I am so irritable and have low paitent at the moment

Eileen — 26.09.2017 11:35
Hiya Samantha, I hope the information on this page helps. Take care

Lynn — 25.09.2017 06:36
Hot flushes are a big problem

Eileen — 25.09.2017 14:17
Hiya Lynn, Have you tried our Menoforce sage tablets?

Audrey — 24.09.2017 06:21
Hi I'm 57 had marina coil in for 7 yrs. No signs of menopause I don't think. I am thinking about having coil removed. Will this result is menopause starting or am I just one of the lucky ones with no symptoms. No period or spotting in years

Eileen — 26.09.2017 12:44
Hi Audrey, the Marina coil, gives the body extra progesterone so reduces the risk of heavy bleeding (and risk of pregnancy). It is quite difficult to know what the hormones are doing as such, although the average age of the menopause is 45 -55 yrs of age. so you may well be through it. If you are thinking of having it removed in the near future, it is best to discuss this with the doctor and weigh up the pros and cons. The menopause is very different for every woman and symptoms can vary due to stress, health, lifestyle factors, some women sail through it and others are more troubled by symptoms.

Amanda — 23.09.2017 06:22
I'm 42yrs my periods r all over the place I'm worried

Eileen — 25.09.2017 14:17
Hiya Amanda many women begin the menopause in this way, with irregular or erratic periods. Although you are little youngside the average age is 45-55 yrs, it is possible. Ask the doctor to test your hormone levels to clarify what is going on for you. If you feel periods are prolonged or too heavy as well then it is not good for you in general and can leave you tired and fatigued. If this is the case let the GP know and try a gentle iron tonic from the Health food shop for now.

Tracy — 21.09.2017 18:38
Do you get weak and stiff legs and fatigue easy with menopause

eileen — 22.09.2017 09:06
HI Tracy
Yes, these are both common menopause symptoms, but it is a good idea to get a check up from your doctor too, fatigue can be caused by other health issues that are not related to the hormones. I have posted a video blog on joint problems and one on fatigue so do take a look.

Kim — 21.09.2017 07:26
Hi I had a hysterectomy when I was around 40 but still have my overies, I suffer on/off with hot sweats , I'm diagnosed ibs &clinical depression but the last 4/5 months I've noticed my joints are hurting more first thing in morning my feet/ankles, elbows, hands ache , I also get pain in my legs n back and get headaches , I've also got overactive bladder n suffer with insomnia , is this to do with menapause im 50

eileen — 21.09.2017 13:26
Hi Kim
When your ovaries are left you tend to get the menopause at roughly the same time you would have done had you not had the menopause. You are in the average age range 45-55 so it is possible you are starting the menopause. Your symptoms are typical low oestrogen ones. You may find a combination of sage for the flushes and Devils Claw for the joint pain can be of benefit. Sweats can quickly dehydrate you and dehydration can make joint pain worse so remember to drink lots of plain water every day. I have posted a video blog on joint pain and what you can do to help yourself so do take a look.

Michele — 15.09.2017 14:51
I wake up covered in sweat. Now my periods start where you stop fir 3 or 4 days then finally get your period. Now I xan actually start bleeding all of the sudden in the middle of night for reason. I haven't had sex with my husband for a while . I do take blood pressure medication I feel anxious an I can't seem to turnmy brain off at night, an for no reason can get very weepy. I cant seem to lose weight an at times its like just shovel the food in an I am only 47 with no children whats wrong with me.

eileen — 19.09.2017 10:21
Hi Michele
Irregular periods are very common at the start of the menopause but if they are all over the place and you start bleeding heavily all of a sudden it is best to get this checked out by your doctor. They may be able to give you some medication to control this.
Your other symptoms are all known as falling oestrogen ones so you may find taking the Menopause Support helpful. However, if your appetite has suddenly increased with quick weight gain I would mention this to your doctor too. Other health issues can often appear at this time and be confused as menopause ones. Also ask your doctor to test you for low iron, low thyroid function and blood sugar control.

Michelle Mullins — 14.09.2017 18:22
I'm struggling with some breathlessness and rapid heartbeat (less often) I'm menopausal can this be part of it ? Thanks

eileen — 15.09.2017 11:06
Hi Michelle
Yes, these are quite common symptoms in the menopause. We know that falling oestrogen can affect the mucus membranes of the lungs causing breathlessness or wheezing, you may find Sea Buckthorn Oil Capsules can help with this. However, it is important to get this checked out by your doctor as well in case it is unrelated.
Palpitations are often caused by falling oestrogen affecting the electrical working of the heart or your nervous system going into overdrive, a magnesium supplement can often help, I would suggest 200mg twice a day. Dehydration and low blood sugars can be another factor so remember to drink lots of plain water and eat little and often. Again, do get this checked out by your doctor too.

Stella — 10.09.2017 19:34
My partner and I are going through extremely difficult times with each other.
I have just found out that I am nearly at the end of my change. I didn't even know I was in my menopause.
My head feels as though I have two thoughts coming from the same head and I don't know what to do for the best.
It's between the thoughts of my partner and my adult children, and being in the middle.
I have become very anxious, bite my partners head off, very negative about our relationship. I don't enjoy sex as much as I did, I feel as though I won't too escape, from what?
Everything seems so much pressure, I feel as everything is a big question and needs to be answered.
I don't feel comfortable in my everyday life. I keep getting pains in my head. I get agitated very quickly, which causes arguments.
I don't know what to do in my life anymore. I will never end my life, as life is being alive.Not to take it away.

eileen — 13.09.2017 07:58
Hi Stella
Just to let you know I have answered you privately

Andrea Morris — 05.09.2017 15:39
I need help

Eileen — 06.09.2017 14:18
Hello Andrea if you would like to email in the box on this page. Let me know what your main symptoms are and if you are on any medication etc Thank you

Kerrie — 05.09.2017 08:20
Hi, I have had the mire a coil for 3 years now due to excessive bleeding and development of polyps whic I had removed. I feel I am now possibly having symptoms of menopause. Getting hot at night no sweats, burning sensation at times to lower abdomen area. I have read your article on how the coil can be a problem with levels is there anything natural you can take I do not want to go down the HRT route to help balance hormones. The GPs said if going through menopause when the 5 years in up so another 2 years they will leave it longer.

Eileen — 07.09.2017 14:29
Hello Kerrie, Your symptoms could be due to the side effects of the coil or menopausal developments breaking through. I would suggest that you let the doctor know if you are having any burning sensation or pain. It is difficult to tell what the hormones are doing, as the Mirena coil gives the body large doses of progesterone and this can cause an imbalance. The Menopause support tablets would not be suitable here due to the hormonal contraception. If you decide to have it removed in the near future you may find symptoms improve. You could look on www.BANT.co.uk website for a practitioner to help with diet and lifestyle factors as they could take into consideration your medical background and support you. A magnesium supplement and a Vit B complex can support your nervous system and help in the meantime.