Menopause symptoms

The 6 most common symptoms of menopause to look out for


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  • L Anne's photo avatar
    L Anne — 23.05.2021 18:00
    Hi, I will be 47 in a few months time and I've been feeling very low, everything annoys me, mood swings, crying and feeling depressed for no reason, agitated, tired, can't get out of bed in the mornings (not me at all) and now flushes during the day (one minute sweating and the next freezing) and night sweats. Sensitivity on parts of my body. I do not have bleeding anymore but my body seems to go the other symptoms on a monthly basis. Is this the start of the Menopause?


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 24.05.2021 11:44
      Hi L Anne It does sound like it, if your periods have stopped you would be classed as in the menopause. These symptoms are quite common ones too.


  • Alyson Storm's photo avatar
    Alyson Storm — 11.05.2021 18:15
    Hi my name is Alyson Storm I am almost 48 year's old I had a hysterectomy at 32 I still have one ovary, when will menapause begin I am getting hot flashes but not so bad but my breasts are always sore


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 12.05.2021 14:01
      Hi Alyson When an ovary is left, you would normally have the menopause at roughly the same as you would have done, had you not had the operation. The average age for this is 45-55 so you are in the normal age range. Unfortunately, without missing periods as a guide it is difficult to tell if you are in the menopause. You can only go by specific menopause symptoms (flushes and sore breasts are very common ones) but the only way to tell for sure would be to ask your doctor for a hormone test.


  • colette's photo avatar
    colette — 08.12.2018 13:51
    Hi just wondering im 45' yr don't know if im.starting the change or what....everything annoys me ..crying appetite really....tired ....need help please


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 10.12.2018 09:35
      Hi Colette Please can you let me know if your periods are changing at all, thanks.


    • colette's photo avatar
      colette — 10.12.2018 09:35
      Well I got them twice one month ...can get them didferent times of the month now but only once ....I am annoyed by everything patience ...cry alot ....think im goin mad actually some times


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 10.12.2018 15:43
      Hi Colette Your symptoms are common ones and most women will experience them at some point! I have posted a video blog on this so please do take a look.


  • Lisa Dowling 's photo avatar
    Lisa Dowling — 14.10.2018 18:13
    I'm 49 and I have had a hysterectomy at 32 could I still get menopause


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 16.10.2018 06:14
      Hi Lisa Please can you let me know if you had a full hysterectomy or were your ovaries left, thanks. You can email me provately if you wish.


  • Kelly's photo avatar
    Kelly — 05.09.2018 23:32
    Im 40 i just wanying to know what are the sign of menopause


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 06.09.2018 14:25
      Hi kelly Hopefully the info above can help you. Please also check out


  • Janice's photo avatar
    Janice — 30.04.2018 07:03
    I'm 47. My nipples are sssoooo sensitive. I had surgery in September to remove a golf ball size lump. That the Dr thought was caused by caffeine. I have been hurting ever since. Is these part of the symptoms of perimenopause


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 01.05.2018 09:58
      Hi Janice Sore nipples are really common in the peri-menopause and often respond well to supplements such as kelp, calcium and magnesium or nettle. Dehydration can be a factor too so remember to drink lots of plain water. However, if this started after the operation it is important to check this with your doctor as well just in case it is related.


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