Bladder infections and the menopause

How often do you suffer from bladder infections during menopause?


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  • Michelle 's photo avatar
    Michelle — 05.09.2017 20:26
    I'm on HRT and when I'm due to come on I get really bad water infections


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 07.09.2017 14:54
      Hi Michelle, Could you email me at I need to ask what age you are and why you were put on HRT and have you checked the side effects of the medication. Thank you


  • Sarah's photo avatar
    Sarah — 08.08.2017 13:58
    Hi is this OK to take if you ha e had endometriosis? I can't take HRT as it could accelerate growth, will this be OK? I was told not to take any hormones mimicking supplements such as Black Cohosh etc. Hoping it will be OK! Your Sage tablets have helped me a lot in the past, thank you :)


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 08.08.2017 15:17
      Hi Sarah Although there doesn't seem to be any indication that fermented soya can have any adverse effect we tend not to recommend it, sorry. What are your main symptoms and I might be able to suggest something that is OK.


  • KJO's photo avatar
    KJO — 05.08.2017 17:25
    Thanks for the helpful advice, but not only men are doctors! I saw a female doctor to treat my UTI:)


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 07.08.2017 08:47
      Hi K Thank you for pointing this out :) We do try to keep things general.


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