Bloating and the menopause

Bloating is a feeling of tightness in the abdomen, experienced frequently by those going through the menopause


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  • Brenda Hill's photo avatar
    Brenda Hill — 26.04.2021 05:14
    My periods had disappeared for 6 months and back now regular enough but I bleed for up to 14 days. The bloating is awful and I feel my digestive system so slow, Im going to get optibac and yarrow but afraid to try meno support should I have stopped bleeding to go on it? Thanks in advance


    • Emma's photo avatar
      Emma — 27.04.2021 12:57
      Hi Brenda, the Menopause Support is suitable and often helpful during all stages of the menopause, so this shouldn't be a problem and may be worth a try. Although having periods back is often quite common, it would just also be worth running this past your doctor. Best wishes, Emma


  • Sharon Farrelly's photo avatar
    Sharon Farrelly — 03.10.2017 11:54
    Hi, I am in menopause, I am 47 and for the last week been very bloated, have been doing lots of exercise to try to lose weight before hand, but have stopped as stomach bloated and I feel like I am going to have a period? Any advise


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 04.10.2017 10:12
      Hi Sharon Please can you let me know if your periods have stopped yet, thanks! You can answer me privately if you wish


  • Jean's photo avatar
    Jean — 04.08.2017 09:35
    I have been taking soy isoflavons and have recently started eating a lot of soya products as I have stopped dairy I have become very bloated could this be why?


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 04.08.2017 10:40
      Hi Jean Yes, more than likely! Whole soya foods such as soya milk can be really hard to digest so I would avoid them, I don't recommend these foods at all. However, soya supplements made with fermented soya (such as our Menopause Support) are usually OK, the soya in them has already been broken down by the fermentation process so shouldn't pose a problem.


  • JO's photo avatar
    JO — 24.07.2017 15:05
    Hi, I haven't had a period since March. I am 45, my doctor has done bloods and i have had a scan on my ovaries, all normal. I am hugely bloated, its persistent and is getting worse, i feel pregnant and have had a lot of symptoms however all HPT are negative. My doc has put it down to menopause and told me to go back when I haven't had a period for two years!! I'm struggling with the weight gain, bloating and lack of energy, it feels out of control, i don;t want to leave the house. Advice on supplements would be gratefully received. I am generally pretty active however since April have not had much energy, I do walk a lot and eat (i think) pretty healthily. Many thanks


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 26.07.2017 07:48
      Hi Jo Bloating is very common in the menopause and can be caused by several factors. Falling levels of oestrogen can affect the digestive process, causing bloating. Falling oestrogen levels can also have an effect on carbohydrate metabolism, making it more difficult to digest starches and sugars, and this can often lead to bloating. You may find a combination of Molkosan and a good probiotic can help. Try to avoid white bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits and also white rice if you don't already. If your bowel isn't moving at least once per day (preferably twice) then this can contribute to bloating too. Remember to drink plenty of water as dehydration can make this worse! You may also find cutting the carbs right down can help with weight control as the falling hormones can interfere with your blood sugar control leading to quicker weight gain and then being unable to lose the weight. You can check out books on the Low GL Diet, the Paleo Diet (or similar) or the SIRT Diet. Fatigue is really common too, basically the hormonal changes can really drain you of energy and this is your body's way of saying you need to rest to allow the body to re-energise and re-balance. Getting lots of rest and relaxation is vital! If you don't feel like exercising then don't force yourself as this will tire you out even more but just try to keep generally active every day and you can step up your exercising when your energy returns.


  • Elizabeth's photo avatar
    Elizabeth — 22.07.2017 07:57
    What is the best way to treat bloating


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 24.07.2017 10:32
      Hi Elizabeth Please check out my video blog on this for more info on bloating.


    • Michelle 's photo avatar
      Michelle — 22.08.2017 17:56
      Hi I have the same problem 4 months without a period then I will have one then none for a few months. This has been going on for 12 months . This is bad enough as i get the period symptoms just no period. However the worst is the permanent bloating and wind that I constantly seem to have. I eat healthy and drink lots of water, but I am constantly bloated. I have gone up a dress size in the last couple of months which is really getting me down. Can you suggest any supplements that may help. I am also experiencing excessive belching which I am waiting for an endoscopy, not sure off they are related. Any suggestions or similar experiences would be grateful


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 23.08.2017 09:08
      Hi Michelle Digestive problems are really common in the menopause affecting both the stomach and the bowel. You may find Centaurium can help to ease the belching and a probiotic supplement is often good for belly bloating. However, it is still important to get all of this checked out in case it is not related to the menopause. You may also find cutting down your carb foods such as bread, pasta, cereals and rice can help as these tend to cause bloating. Try not to drink a lot whilst eating as this can dilute your gastric fluids making symptoms worse.


  • Deb's photo avatar
    Deb — 14.07.2017 10:59
    I am 54 and had a break of 7 months without a period and now had 3 on the trot as normal. I have been suffering with tummy pains most days for the last couple of months feeling bloated and very windy! My Dr is going to send me for some tests but they wont be for many weeks so have turned to you for advice...could this be hormonal please.. can you have pain with bloating? Many thanks


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 14.07.2017 13:15
      Hi Deb Good to hear that your doctor is looking into things for you. Digestive problems are very common in the menopause, falling oestrogen can affect both stomach function and slow everything down which can result in bloating, wind, cramping and constipation! I would suggest Milk Thistle Complex to help with liver function which will affect the bloating. I would also recommend a good, general probiotic. Some women also find cutting out carbohydrate and high sugar foods can be helpful as these can bloat you very quickly. Remember to drink lots of plain water throughout the day as dehydration can be a big factor too! Do let me know how you get on.


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