Breast pain and menopause

Up to two thirds of menopausal women suffer from breast pain


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  • Kate Hatton's photo avatar
    Kate Hatton — 14.04.2019 18:30
    I am 57. I have been taking Premarin for 2 years and my breast size has gradually increased from 32E to 32G. They feel engorged and tender presently. They have never been tender previously


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 15.04.2019 13:44
      Hi Kate It is important to go back to your doctor with this. They can check to see if this is a common side effect or if there are any other health issues involved.


  • Kellyj's photo avatar
    Kellyj — 14.02.2019 21:17
    I am 50 (will be 51 in two months) and haven't had a period since Oct 2017. I have had the full gambit of perimenopausal symptoms. I realize I am now in menopause so I don't know if that means I graduated and can hope to not have the peri symptoms but I have had sore breast for about a week and a half. They are achy and my upper back aches too now. The pain isn't constant but it returns. It was one breast then the other now they are both just sore and achy at the breast muscle. Sometimes one seems to hurt in a spot on my inner breast and then seems to ache underneath. Now it is heavy achy-painful feeling. I am large breasted. I am due for my mammogram this year. I have had them every year for the last 4 years and they have been clear. I don't have any lumps, (self exam) but they ache and it feels like the center of my chest hurts too. I don't know if that is from my back ache or vise versa. Perimenopause has turned me into a worrier. I have an appt with my Dr's nurse practitioner on Saturday and to get my mammogram scheduled. I am truly uncomfortable and Tylenol doesn't help.


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 15.02.2019 10:30
      Hi Kelly Hopefully, the tips above will be of benefit for you and don't forget to get yourself measured properly if you haven't had it done recently, a poor fitting bra can be a big factor in beast pain! Good to hear that you are getting a check up.


  • Sara's photo avatar
    Sara — 12.02.2019 21:06
    I have just started to get hard & very tender nipples no other symptoms though


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 13.02.2019 12:15
      Hi Sara I have posted a video blog on this and what you can do to help yourself so please do take a look.


  • Vesper's photo avatar
    Vesper — 16.01.2019 12:51
    Just started getting breast pain and tenderness to the touch the last couple days. I had my last period in July 2017. Had a mammogram in Oct 2017,it was clear. I am 51.. the pain is around the nipple area and radiates out about an inch each way.. both are sore but the left moreso.


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 17.01.2019 07:12
      Hi Vesper Hopefully, the tips above will be of help but if you are worried at all please do see your doctor.


  • Sasha Alexander's photo avatar
    Sasha Alexander — 17.12.2018 02:29
    I am 47, menapause hit me at age 36. My breasts have been so tender and sore I can’t tske my bra off all of a sudden. Hurts so bad.


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 17.12.2018 11:02
      Hi Sasha Please can you let me know when your periods stopped, thanks.


  • Mary Grace Serrano's photo avatar
    Mary Grace Serrano — 21.11.2018 06:23
    I'm experiencing breast Pain for 2weeks already please help me to ease the pain


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 21.11.2018 11:29
      Hi Mary Hopefully the tips above will be of benefit for you but do remember to get any breast changes checked out by your doctor as well.


  • Jennifer's photo avatar
    Jennifer — 06.11.2018 21:39
    I have extreme tenderness in both breasts almost continuously for the past month. I am 50, have no period. I am afraid to take my bra off, lie on my stomach or have my husband touch my breasts. I'm miserable:(


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 07.11.2018 08:02
      Hi Jennifer Please can you let me know whn your periods stopped, thanks


    • Jennifer Matthews's photo avatar
      Jennifer Matthews — 09.11.2018 19:22
      I had an endometrial ablation 15 years ago so I am not 100% sure. I havent had a period in that, started barely spotting last summer but that has now stopped


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 12.11.2018 12:09
      Hi Jennifer After an ablation you will still get the menopause but it is much more difficult to tell when because you don't have missing periods as a guide. The average age for the menopause is 45-55 so you are in the right range and breast tenderness/soreness is a common symptom. Hopefully the tips above will be of help and remember to drink plenty of plain water! However, it is important to get any breast changes checked out by your doctor too.


    • Linda's photo avatar
      Linda — 29.12.2018 12:15
      I also had the same procedure about 12 years ago and my period stopped right away. About 2 weeks ago I started getting soreness in my breasts but mostly around the nipple area. I had a mammogram recently and got a clear bill of health so I was concerned. When I had my exam I was asked if I was in menopause and was told by the technician that since I did not have my period I was already finished my menopause. I tried explaining to her that since I had the ablation it is not the same although I believe I am now in menopause. After reading your reply I don’t feel like I am crazy.


  • Linda Branch's photo avatar
    Linda Branch — 24.09.2017 05:17
    Am suffering bad hot flushes weight gain and breast enlargement due to the menopause


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 25.09.2017 15:15
      Hello Linda What age are you? do you still have periods and are you taking any medication or supplements? thank you


  • Fran's photo avatar
    Fran — 04.09.2017 21:09
    I believe i am starting to menopause i have night sweats! Period is regular for 4-5 months than irregular for a month or two than back to normal! I have pain on my right outer part breast and and under my arm. Should I be worried?


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 05.09.2017 15:36
      Hello Fran, The best idea is to ask the doctor to test your hormone levels to find out if symptoms and breast pain are menopause related . I am not sure what age you are (average age of the menopause is 45-55yrs) but irregular periods and night sweats can often signify the approach of the menopause. Avoid caffeine and processed foods (these can be culprits and trigger symptoms) and drink plenty of plain water each day. Best wishes


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 05.09.2017 15:36
      Hi again Fran, Hopefully the tips on the page can help but if you need further assistance let me know.


  • Jayne keighley's photo avatar
    Jayne keighley — 04.09.2017 18:45
    I've been suffering with breast pain for 7 months I've had blood tests done it came back I'm going through menopause I'm still getting my periods every month I get 3 bad day painfully periods and still ovulating not sure when it will stop im 44 years old


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 05.09.2017 12:51
      Hi Jayne, The average age of the menopause is 45-55 years, so you are a little on the younger side. It is always good to have any breast pain or changes checked out by the doctor so I am glad this visit has clarified the situation. Even though you still have periods the menopause symptoms can arise at this stage. I would suggest that you try to drink plenty of plain water throughout the day (1.5 to 2 litres) to keep the body hydrated and nourished. As dehydration can be a culprit reduce fizzy drinks, tea, coffee and high salt and sugar foods. These can trigger symptoms or make them worse. The Menopause can affect the digestive process in general making it more sluggish. Avoid any congestion and constipation. You could add a nice gentle liver support like Milk thistle complex if you wish to help. Try a magnesium supplement to ease any cramping pain. I hope this information is useful to you.


  • Dev's photo avatar
    Dev — 29.07.2017 17:44
    This is the first time I am getting breast pain frm last 5-6 days. I missed my period anyhow almost always my cycle is irregular.. last time I was bleeding for almost 11 days during my cycle and this time I missed my period.. I had sex with my boyfriend in befre two weeks but we were protected.. he wore a condom and pulled out as soon as he came. Why am I getting this prblm plz help me. I am getting so much worried bcoz I can't be pregnant now. Waiting for my period is killing me everyday plz help me..plz


    • Emma's photo avatar
      Emma — 31.07.2017 09:31
      Hi Dev, thank you for your question, I have replied to you privately via email.


  • Angela's photo avatar
    Angela — 19.07.2017 20:15
    I got told my ovaries are being lazy.... but I'm noticing I have one boob in agony when I take my bra off...


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 20.07.2017 08:11
      Hi Angela It is important to get any breast changes or discomfort checked out by your doctor first. However, have you had yourself measured properly for bras lately? As you approach the menopause your beast size, shape and tissue density can change a lot and an ill-fitting bra (especially if you wear underwired ones) can cause breast pain too. Most big department stores offer a free service so worth doing!


  • Jan's photo avatar
    Jan — 18.07.2017 22:47
    Hi I have breast pain on inner side of breast, sometimes I have had an ache under my arm which radiates a little down my arm, had a mammogram today.


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 19.07.2017 09:27
      Hi Jan The best thing to do is wait until you get your results back and if everything is clear then do get back in touch with me and I might be able to suggest something to help you.


  • Rachel Norris's photo avatar
    Rachel Norris — 06.07.2017 16:16
    Hi I am having breast pain on the outer side if one breast but it is accompanied by nausea. This has been going on for months. I had a mammogram last week which came back normal but I am still worried about why I feel so sick with the pain. Rachel


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 07.07.2017 10:54
      Hi Rachel, Is your doctor proposing any further tests?


    • Rachel Norris's photo avatar
      Rachel Norris — 07.07.2017 15:39
      Hi Jean no but I think I am going to go back and ask. Do you think this is due to the perimenapause. That what I am hoping it is.thanks for replying to my message Jean .


  • Jean's photo avatar
    Jean — 05.07.2017 06:31
    My breasts really sire


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 05.07.2017 13:35
      Hi Jean Breast or nipple tenderness are common symptoms in the menopause and usually caused by fluctuating oestrogen levels. If you are still experiencing periods, try the herb Agnus castus. If your periods are erratic or have ceased, use a soya isoflavone supplement. Both should not be taken if you are on any hormonal contraception or medication. However, it is important to get any breast changes checked out by your doctor as well.


  • Frances's photo avatar
    Frances — 02.07.2017 18:10
    Been on Agnus Castus about two weeks now. Greatly improved sweats have even shifted little weight. Thou last two days extreme nipple pain fatigue and achey. Is this just my body adjusting will it pass.


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 03.07.2017 12:50
      Hi Frances Agnus Castus is normally used in very specific circumstances, just to check if it is the right one for you please can you let me know what is happening with your periods, or if they have stopped and also how old you are, thanks!


    • Frances's photo avatar
      Frances — 03.07.2017 17:22
      Hello, thanks for reply. I am 48 years old still having periods joint pain but suffer fibromyalagia. Periods have went from 40 to 50 days. Week or two before period gatigue pain worse. Hot flushes were constant until i began agnus castus. Just nipple pain was severe for 3 days thou I feel its a period luming. I been on the herb just over two weeks. Black Cohosh gave me extreme headaches and did not help flush. Thankyou


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 04.07.2017 09:44
      Hi Frances If the Agnus is suiting you just now then it is fine to continue, however, just make sure that you are drinking lots of water as dehydration can cause nipple tenderness. You may also find taking Milk Thistle Complex can help, the liver often gets stressed in the menopause and this can result in more hormonal imbalance. If the nipple pain doesn't resolve then it is best to get this checked out by your doctor.


  • Gillian's photo avatar
    Gillian — 27.06.2017 16:10
    I bled constantly for 3 months. My doctor put me on a progesterone only pill. It's helped the bleeding but my breasts are so painful. Also I'm putting on a lot of weight around my middle despite eating a healthy diet (with only the odd treat ☺). Are there any herbal remedies that would help regulate bleeding without the breast pain & weight gain please?


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 29.06.2017 09:11
      HI Gillian If the bleeding was this severe it is unlikely that you would get anything strong enough over the counter to help, sorry. If you are getting these side effects then it is best to check with your doctor first. They can check if the dosage is right for you or maybe change you to another brand. If you wish to try to improve this naturally you could seek the advice of a Medical Herbalist as they can formulate a personalised treatment plan for you. To find a local practitioner please see Acupuncture can often help so worth looking into as well.


  • Sharon's photo avatar
    Sharon — 22.06.2017 23:32
    My breasts hurts.. When I hug take off my clothes.. Just very painful and a different feeling..


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 23.06.2017 08:12
      Hi Sharon Breast tenderness is very common in the approach to the menopause and often caused by fluctuating oestrogen. If you are still getting regular periods then you may find the herb Agnus Castus helpful, if your periods are starting to tail off or have stopped you could try the Menopause Support. You could also gently massage some St Johns Wort oil into the breasts, this can often be soothing especially if your nipples are sore as well. Some women also find a cup or two of nettle tea a day beneficial. Dehydration and constipation can be factors too, so remember to drink lots of plain water and that your bowels are working well. However, it is important to get any breast changes checked out by your doctor as well.


  • Theresa palmer's photo avatar
    Theresa palmer — 06.06.2017 01:36
    My beast hurt so bad I can't take it. The hot flashes


  • Dawn's photo avatar
    Dawn — 08.05.2017 15:30
    Been on hrt patches abt 3 and a half months now been getting shooting pains in my left breast is this normal


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 09.05.2017 07:52
      Hi Dawn HRT raises your hormone levels and this can sometimes trigger PMT-like symptoms however, it is important to get any breast changes checked out by your doctor.


  • Debbie Stratford's photo avatar
    Debbie Stratford — 26.04.2017 09:08
    I haven't had a period for about 3 years and was started on Estrogel and progesterone tablets in January as I was having very bad sweats and felt generally miserable. I had been prior to that on bioidentical hormones. Over the last month I've been getting very sore breasts and my nipplesbfeel like they're bruised. I've never experienced sore breasts as bad as this, not even when I was premenstrual. Is it the HRT?


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 26.04.2017 11:22
      Hi Debbie, Breast or nipple tenderness can be a common symptom in the menopause due to low oestrogen levels. The menopause is not a static state so symptoms can change as the hormones shift. Dehydration, Diet or stress can also be factors. However, the HRT should be easing symptoms and if you are not finding it is not very effective I would recommend that you get this symptom checked out by the doctor. You may need the dosage reviewed if the breast changes seem to start at the same as you went on this HRT.


  • Suzanne Ainsley's photo avatar
    Suzanne Ainsley — 19.03.2017 17:04
    I begin to get breasts pain on my right out side also under by breast near my rib cage what possible be the problem


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 21.03.2017 15:06
      Hello, hormonal changes and imbalances associated with the menopause could be contributing to your breast pain. Low oestrogen is often associated with breast pain and our Menopause Support product can help to gently balance and support your oestrogen levels. If the problem persists, or there are any physical changes to the breast, you should pay a visit to your doctor to have them check you over.


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