Dizziness and menopause

Dizziness can be a worrying symptom of the menopause


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  • Amanda's photo avatar
    Amanda — 29.04.2019 08:48
    Hi I'm thinking I hav started the menopause in the last week, I'm getting flushes,feeling sick,light headed and numbness in my hand, is this normal as this is all new to me.


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 01.05.2019 08:59
      Hi Amanda Please can you let me know how old you are and what is happening with your periods, thanks. You can email me privately if you wish eileen@bioforce.co.uk


  • Sam's photo avatar
    Sam — 20.09.2017 10:20
    Hi Im on 1mg elleste duet was feeling great then slowly while Im on my 3rd packet which is reaching my 3 months. My dizziness and lightheadness is staring to creep back in. Should I up to 2mg ? Has my body got used to 1mg or should I try something else. Please can you help as its really upsetting me and I cant go back to that awful place when menopause was taking over my life. Thank you Sam


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 21.09.2017 12:23
      Hi Sam You would need to go and see your doctor about this as only they can advise you on how to go from here, we are not allowed to advise on prescribed drug use, sorry.


  • Sam's photo avatar
    Sam — 13.08.2017 14:39
    Hi Im on elleste duet for menopause symptoms. My worst symptom is dizziness. Had all my bloods done all ok. Dr thinks the dizziness is caused with the menopause. I also have high BP and I am on Ramapril. Is there anything I can take with the hrt to help me with the dizziness please. Many thanks Sam


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 14.08.2017 10:49
      Hi Sam Hopefully the tips above will help with your dizziness but you could try the Menopause Support as well, this is fine with HRT, although it could take about 4 weeks to start showing benefit.


    • Sam's photo avatar
      Sam — 14.08.2017 15:48
      Hi if the menopause will help with the dizziness then I would definately like to try them please


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 15.08.2017 14:08
      Hi Sam You can apply for a free pack www.avogel.co.uk/join


    • Sam's photo avatar
      Sam — 18.08.2017 05:33
      Hi I have applied for the free pack thank you so much. Has this tablet helped people with the dizziness before ? Thank you Sam


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 18.08.2017 07:33
      Hi Sam it does help some people. Every one is different!


    • Sam's photo avatar
      Sam — 19.08.2017 18:09
      Hi Eileen I have received my menopause support and started taking the tablets as you said they were ok to take with HRT Elleste duet. I also read that you need to take B12 vitamins . Can I also take feroglobin capsules. I suffer with the lightheadness and dizziness mostly thank you sam


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 22.08.2017 10:22
      HI Sam B12 is best taken as part of a vitamin B Complex unless you have been diagnosed with B12 deficiency by your doctor. If you have had a few heavy periods then a short course of Feroglobin should be fine


  • June's photo avatar
    June — 09.08.2017 12:52
    I get hot and sweaty and dizziness, it's like my sugar levels have dropped as I want something sweet, this seems to help the symptoms subside. I am 48. Any ideas


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 10.08.2017 08:48
      Hi June It is more than likely that this blood sugar yo-yo effect is actually triggering the sweating and dizziness and this is really common in the menopause. The falling hormones can affect your blood sugar control and this can become unbalanced very quickly. Unfortunately, sugar is the worst thing for helping this - having something sweet will make you feel better quickly as it raises up your blood sugar levels but afterwards there will be a swift 'crash' making you feel worse so you have more sugar foods and this can keep repeating. The best thing to do is eat little and often but have protein/fat foods as these will keep your blood sugars stable. Foods such as nuts, seeds, full fat plain yogurt (no sugar!), oatcakes and cheese etc make for good, healthy snacks that will not trigger this response.


  • Claire's photo avatar
    Claire — 08.08.2017 19:11
    Hi I had an hysterectomy at the age of 39 but kept my ovaries now 44 for the past few years had night sweats but now getting them any time of the day and really terrible at night also since March suffering from low moods no sex drive at All and dizziness Drs ran tests got no vit D and high blood pressure but reading your page I have every symptom on here can't take any form of hrt due to family blood clots but Iam sick of feeling so rubish all the time any help would be a breath of fresh air


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 09.08.2017 12:29
      Hi Clare You could try the Menopause Support, this doesn't have the same contraindications as HRT. This is gently known to raise and balance oestrogen so may ease your symptoms. You could also add in the sage tablets as these are specifically for hot flushes and night sweats and usually work quickly. I would suggest one with your evening meal. Check your diet and make sure that you are eating plenty of fresh foods and avoiding high salt and sugar foods and caffeine. Remember to drink lots of plain water as dehydration will make everything worse!


  • Bella's photo avatar
    Bella — 24.07.2017 06:03
    Hi Im suffering from dizziness night sweats hot flushes. My dr has done blood test everything is fine. She said it signs of peri menopause which is causing the dizziness and has put me on hrt...will this stop the dizziness, if so how long will it take...thank you.


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 24.07.2017 12:45
      Hi Bella If the dizziness is being caused by the hormonal changes then the HRT should help, it is difficult to say how long it may take to kick in as this would depend on what dose and type of HRT you are taking. However, stress, low blood sugars and dehydration can cause dizziness too so make susre that you eat little and often and drink lots of water every day. I assume your doctor tested your blood pressure and iron levels as low levels of both could cause dizziness too.


    • Bella's photo avatar
      Bella — 24.07.2017 12:45
      Im taking elleste duet 1mg and my Iron levels are good.


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 24.07.2017 12:45
      Hi Bella I would say if you don't feel any better after 2 months to go back to your doctor


    • Bella's photo avatar
      Bella — 23.08.2017 09:20
      Hi Do the menopause tablets help with fatigue as I get very bad fatigue Thanks Bella


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 23.08.2017 13:17
      Hi Bella They may do but fatigue in the menopause can be caused by lots of things such as dehydration, poor diet, too much caffeine/sugar/salt, low thyroid function, low iron or low vitamin D so it is a good idea to get this checked out with your doctor, especially if you have had it a while or it is getting worse.


    • Bella's photo avatar
      Bella — 23.08.2017 19:07
      Hi I have had my bloods checked and everything has come back normal. Can you suggest anything that can help with the fatigue. Thank you


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 24.08.2017 12:03
      Hi Bella The changing hormones can really drain the body of energy which can cause the fatigue. Rest and relaxation is really important to allow the body to re-energise but I realise that this can be very difficult to do, especially if you lead a busy life. You may find taking a good female multivit can help to give you a boost (ask for one at your local healthshop) and make sure that you are eating well to give your body all the nutrients it needs just now. Dehydration and low blood sugars are often part of the problem so remember the plain water every day and eat little and often. This is usually a phase of the menopause but I can't stress enough how important it is to look after yourself well!


  • Anne Lothian 's photo avatar
    Anne Lothian — 16.07.2017 16:12
    Problems with light-headedness when out shopping?!


    • Theresa's photo avatar
      Theresa — 16.07.2017 21:17
      Hi i am choosing to stay off HRT. Dizziness is a nightmare and have been given anti dizziness tablets which seem to be doing the trick. I can handle the rest of the symptoms albiet challenging but the dizziness has been debilitating.


    • Theresa's photo avatar
      Theresa — 16.07.2017 21:17
      Oh and get bloods done first by gp like i did to rule out other things and i cut out caffiene and sugar which didnt make a blind bit of difference.


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 09.08.2017 13:07
      Hi Anne Shopping is a classic scenario for light headedness. Very often by the time you get to the shops (especially after work) you are likely to be tired and dehydrated. Often, too, the shops are very hot and busy. Before shopping remember to drink lots of water, have a small snack such as a handful of nuts and raisins or a small protein bar and practice slow, deep breathing for a minute or so before you go in, hopefully this will help.


  • Azmat Begum's photo avatar
    Azmat Begum — 09.07.2017 14:27
    Hi I have night sweats headaches feel exhausted and really bad dizzy spells, where I feel I cant function I am 48yrs old, still having irregular periods. Dr has offered me HRT will this help with the dizziness. I cant cope anymore


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 11.07.2017 12:20
      Hello, Sorry to hear that you are struggling. Dizziness can be a serious condition, particularly if it doesn’t go away after a few days. It can also be caused by factors such as low iron or low blood pressure or too much sugar or caffeine etc. I am not sure what tests the doctor has done or if you have tried other remedies. However, your doctor will be able to confirm if your dizziness is a symptom of the menopause, in which case hormone treatments, such as HRT, might help. Take care


  • Helen Stubbs's photo avatar
    Helen Stubbs — 21.06.2017 12:48
    Hi! I had a dizzy spell 7 days ago,my blood pressure was sky high. I was checked over at hospital,it wasn't a cardiac and my blood pressure came down. I was absolutely fine for 3 days and my dizziness returned. I'm waiting to see if my iron is low. Im 55 and still have periods. Is this normal as I a, feeling quite anxious about this sudden change in my health.


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 22.06.2017 10:13
      Hi Helen Yes, this can happen, falling oestrogen can really affect your blood pressure control and sudden changes can trigger dizziness. Acupuncture would probably be really good for this so worth looking into. Remember to drink loads of plain water throughout the day and eat little and often (but not high salt or sugar foods). Both dehydration and low blood sugar levels can cause dizziness too. Low iron is another factor so good that you are getting this checked out. You may find taking a magnesium supplement 200mg once a day can help to reduce your anxiety.


  • Heather's photo avatar
    Heather — 16.06.2017 20:52
    I'm suffering really bad sweats, clothes soaking right thru, interrupted sleep, knee pain, thumb joint pain, dizziness when sitting as well as when standing, dry mouth plus osteoporosis plus few more of the symptoms


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 19.06.2017 10:00
      Hi Heather Please can you email me your query directly, so I can answer your privately, also include how old you are, if your periods have stopped and if so when, thanks! Eileen@bioforce.co.uk


  • Christie Cochrane's photo avatar
    Christie Cochrane — 24.04.2017 18:48
    I suffer with the lot of all the simtoms and now my lower belly part as swollen and weight gain I am worried


  • Janice's photo avatar
    Janice — 23.04.2017 18:55
    Please can you help me i am a total mess . i am going through meno. An suffer from severe depression . i have started having dizzy spells and going off balance . i cry nearly all the time . is this all normal .. Thabku so much x


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 25.04.2017 13:55
      Hi Christie, I feel I need to ask more questions, could you email me in the ask a question box? Have you been to the doctor and are you taking any medication at the moment? Do you still have periods? Thank you


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 25.04.2017 13:55
      Hello Janice, Sorry that you are having a difficult time. If you suffer from severe depression, the menopause symptoms can often overlap and vice versa. The doctor may need to review your medication, so make sure that they are aware that you feel menopause symptoms breaking through. Have you had your iron levels, low thyroid or low Vit D levels tested recently, as these can often arise ?


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