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Most of us will have experienced headaches, particularly around the time when a period is due. It is not unusual for this symptom to reappear during the menopause as hormone levels rise and fall. Here, our menopause expert Eileen Durward explains how fluctuatng hormone levels trigger headaches and what natural remedies can be used to help.
Some women entering the menopause experience headache for the first time in their life. This can be disturbing and sometimes debilitating. However, menopausal headaches are most common among women who have suffered from headaches before, particularly around their menstrual period, or among those who are taking hormonal contraceptives.
There are several types of headaches that the menopause can trigger:
The exact connection between the menopause and headaches is somewhat unclear. However, much of the blame can be placed upon the hormonal changes that the body goes through during the menopause. The hormones that are affected the most during the menopause are oestrogen and progesterone.
Oestrogen is thought to cause blood vessels to dilate, while progesterone causes them to tighten. As the level of these hormones fluctuates, the blood vessels are constantly expanding and contracting. This can cause pressure changes in the head and result in the headaches you are experiencing.
Some people find that certain foods trigger headaches, particularly migraines. If you work out that particular things such as chocolate, caffeine or red wine are intensifying your problem it will be worth limiting or eliminating these foods from your diet.
Try to avoid stress because this can often result in headaches. While it is easy to say ‘stop stressing’, it is not so easy to do. If you feel that stress is at the root of your headaches, our stress and menopause page may help.
You should try to eat regularly. If your blood sugar level drops too much in between meals this can often result in headaches. You should eat small and healthy snacks such as dried fruit and nuts to keep your blood sugar levels up.
Some people have found that upping their intake of magnesium and calcium has helped their headaches. Magnesium and calcium can be found in foods such as dark green vegetables, dried fruit, nuts, and wholegrains. However, most people will struggle to absorb enough magnesium purely through their diet, and so may need to take a food supplement. An excess of magnesium and calcium may cause headaches, however, so it is important to take the correct dosage.
As hormonal imbalances are often at the root of menopausal headaches, start with using a soy based supplement to help settle the hormones at this time of your life. The best extracts are derived from fermented soy because the active ingredients are better absorbed by the body.
Changes in your hormonal levels can make you less able to cope with stress which in turn, lowers your threshold for stress-related headaches. Helping your mind and body cope better with stress can be the best approach if this is your situation.
Eileen's TOP TIP: Valerian is one of our most popular herbs to calm both mind and body. Like many 'stress-herbs' it works well in combination with others with the same action. A.Vogel Stress Relief contains both valerian and hops and as a tincture, works quickly to calm you down.
Tension in the muscles of the neck, skull and scalp can creep into your life without being noticed and can lead to tension headaches, even when you are not feeling under stress. This is the reason why a head massage is so relaxing.
Eileen's TOP TIP:: Massage essential oils based on eucalyptus and peppermint into your temples and the nape of your neck to help you relax. Better still, get your partner to do it for you.
If you do not find that home or herbal remedies have eased your symptoms, then it is important to speak to your doctor. While headaches at this time of life are likely to be caused by hormonal changes, there are many other causes of headaches. Your doctor will be able to check you for thyroid or adrenal changes, both of which can trigger headaches.
Your doctor may suggest painkillers or hormone treatment to ease your symptoms, although it is important to understand the side effects of these and the length of time that these treatments can be taken for.
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Sarah — 09.09.2017 08:16
Hi, I'm 45 blood tests show I'm in the menopause. I'm managing my symptoms with herbal supplements and doing ok, not had a period for 2 months but I keep getting awful migraine headaches and nausea at certain times in the month which I'm assuming is a drop in horemones. Is there any advice to relieve these as painkillers don't touch them and they last for 2-3 days. Thanks ☺️

eileen — 11.09.2017 11:44
Hi Sarah
Nausea is a common symptom in the menopause and can be caused by several factors. Fluctuating oestrogen levels can be a trigger (a bit like morning sickness in pregnancy!) but falling oestrogen levels can also affect the digestion, leading to a stressed liver, which in turn can cause nausea.
You may find taking Milk Thistle Complex helpful, as this is traditionally used to support the liver, and you could add in a soya isoflavone supplement such as Menopause Support. This is used to help gently raise and balance oestrogen levels, thus reducing symptoms
Nausea can be caused by other factors, however, such as low blood sugar or dehydration; so do make sure that you are eating a good diet, with healthy snacks between meals, and drink plenty of plain water as well as your other drinks.
Headaches are often caused by low magnesium so you may find 200mg twice a day helpful. Dehydration and low blood sugars can cause this too so remember the water and to eat little and often!
You may also find acupuncture helpful here so worth looking into as well.

Debbie Scott — 24.08.2017 03:54
A very useful article

eileen — 24.08.2017 08:59
Hi Debbie
Thank you!

Elizabeth — 19.08.2017 13:52
I am 62 female I have frequent migraines with tingling skin painful when showering

Eileen — 21.08.2017 14:35
Hello Elizabeth, I would suggest that you let the doctor know about frequent migraines and painful tingling to rule out any serious health condition, first of all. Drink plenty of plain water throughout the day (to ensure you are hydrated) and try a Magnesium and Vit B Complex to help support the nervous system, in the meantime. Let me know what the doctor has advised.