Heavy periods and menopause

Is the menopause causing heavy periods?


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  • Jackie 's photo avatar
    Jackie — 06.05.2021 01:56


  • Jackie 's photo avatar
    Jackie — 06.05.2021 01:56


  • Aradhyaa's photo avatar
    Aradhyaa — 15.04.2021 15:13
    I am 18 years old i have been spotting for a month is this a big issue?


    • Emma's photo avatar
      Emma — 16.04.2021 09:13
      Hi Aradhyaa, while this could just be linked to hormones, if this symptoms continues in the same fashion over the next few months, we would say to have a check up with your doctor. Best wishes, Emma


  • Vera's photo avatar
    Vera — 13.04.2021 03:38
    I’m 41 yrs old and mine started out as light spotting for a month, so I went to see my doctor for consult and she advised me to use those mini pills or progestin only pills as i have high blood pressure. In the beginning the pills slows down the bleeding but after three weeks it came back heavy and clotty as in every time i pee there’s blood gushing and clots coming at the same time to the point that i have to wear depends diaper at night so I don’t soak the bed. Is this still normal? By the way i had my blood work done and pelvic ultrasound and they found a small cyst on my ovaries, my doctor said that it is fine but I wonder if the cyst is contributing to the bleeding or why is it not stopping. If this is a sign of early menopausal?


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 13.04.2021 13:53
      Hi Vera I am very sorry to hear about your situation. Unfortunately, however, I cannot undertake to advise you, given the circumstances. As you are still being treated by your doctor, it is really important that you let them know that the medication they prescribed is no longer helping you and you are becoming concerned about the continual bleeding. They should be able to tell you why this may be happening and offer you an alternative treatment plan.


  • Tracy's photo avatar
    Tracy — 25.02.2021 02:53
    I am 49 years old and desperately want a baby, but I went 4 months without a cycle and now my period won't stop. It's going on 1 month


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 25.02.2021 09:27
      Hi Tracy It is important to get this checked out by your doctor. Prolonged periods can quickly cause anaemia and this can result in fatigue, anxiety, hair loss and even joint aches. Your doctor can test for low iron and you may also be able to ask for a hormone test to see if pregnancy is still possible.


  • Edwina's photo avatar
    Edwina — 06.10.2020 06:02
    Love the conventional medicine section. Apparently all doctors are he. Not sexist in the slightest


  • Phaedra 's photo avatar
    Phaedra — 28.05.2020 02:59
    This information is very helpful! Thank you very much!


  • Phaedra 's photo avatar
    Phaedra — 28.05.2020 02:59
    This information is very helpful! Thank you very much!


  • Jackie's photo avatar
    Jackie — 27.09.2017 11:14
    Not took a period for few months and now it's came back heavy and also have jelly shaped little blood clots is this normal I've had this period for a nearly a week now is this normal I'm aged 48


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 27.09.2017 14:09
      Hiya Jackie, Irregular or erratic periods are common on the approach to the menopause, some women report that they can go from heavy to light and stop and start. Periods can come back if you change or improve your diet or exercise regime. However, if they are heavy or you have clotting, it is best to get it checked out by the doctor. It is usually nothing to worry about and just the way the hormones are falling. An iron tonic could be helpful here.


  • Jenny's photo avatar
    Jenny — 24.09.2017 10:20
    Hi I am 54 and not seen a period for 9 months, then the start of September I seen a period for 5 days then a week later it came again and really heavy, I am losing clots and just feel so drained, I have had long intervals for about 3 years now and the period has been heavy but nothing like this, I hope this will be the last one


    • Nora  rodriguez's photo avatar
      Nora rodriguez — 25.09.2017 12:40
      Hi my period stopped for 3 months and returned a month ago verry heavy with clots and dr gave me hormone pills witch stopped it for 10 days but still bleed slightly, after the pills were gone im bleeding more heavly now w vlots finding my self changing 4/6 times at night verry heavly now im bacl to the dr office again i just turned 50 in march 2017


    • Jenny's photo avatar
      Jenny — 25.09.2017 12:54
      It's a nightmare to be honest. I seen my dr last year when it happened and was offered tablets but I never took them because I think it was a waste of time as they would only slow things down, then she offered me the coil I said no not at my age lol I asked about a hysterectomy and she said no as I wasn't in a lot of pain so how long will this keep going I just want it to end, I really hope things get better for you also, jenny x


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 26.09.2017 14:22
      Hi Jenny and Nora, If you are bleeding heavy or experience prolonged periods or clots, although it is common at the start of the menopause. It is not good for you if it continues and it can leave you very fatigued. I often suggest an iron tonic to help. Symptoms are different for each woman and can vary due to health, stress, diet and lifestyle. It is difficult to pin point an end time as such. In the case of heavy bleeding it is important to get some sort of treatment even in the short term if you find it affecting the quality of your life. As over the counter medication such as Tranexamic acid to help stop heavy bleeding or the herbal remedy Agnus castus (this can take 2/3 cycles to work) may not be strong enough anyway.


  • Tracy 's photo avatar
    Tracy — 13.09.2017 22:27
    Hi I'm in my menapause I stop my period for 3 months but now came on with really heavy bleeding like nothing Iv had before I have fibroids to is this normal


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 14.09.2017 09:04
      Hi Tracy This is quite common as your periods start to change but it could also be triggered by the fibroids so it is important to get this checked out by your doctor. This kind of period could also cause low iron so ask your doctor to check for this too.


  • Debby's photo avatar
    Debby — 11.09.2017 07:07
    Hi I am 54 and have been having menopausal symptoms for last few years, but last 6 months I have had bleeding on for 10 days then stop for 7 ot 8 then start again but recently last 3 weeks I have had constant bleeding with maybe a few days break here and there. I am overweight and I am terrified of Dr and tend to make myself sick if I have to go


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 11.09.2017 14:36
      Hi Debbie Prolonged bleeding for some women is quite common on the approach to the menopause. However, it is not good for you and you can become low in iron very quickly. This can then cause other health issues such as fatigue, low mood/anxiety, poor sleep, joint pain etc so it is very important that you go and see your doctor. If there are no other issues such as fibroids they can often offer you some kind of medication to stop the bleeding. If you really don't like going why not ask a female friend or relative to go with you for support. This can often be easily treated so please don't keep putting it off.


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