Joint pain and menopause

Joint pain can be a symptom of the menopause


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  • Geraldine 's photo avatar
    Geraldine — 11.02.2021 09:23
    Hi ...I’m 54 and have a lot of soreness in my joints ...I have dryness in eyes and down there aswell .. should I go on hrt


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 11.02.2021 09:02
      Hi Geraldine I am really sorry but we can't make any recommendations about going on HRT; only your doctor can do this as they may need to take your age, symptoms and any other health issues into account. Symptoms such as these can often be helped naturally with remedies such as Devil's Claw for the joints and Sea Buckthorn Oil capsules for the dry eyes and vagina.


  • Patricia maguire's photo avatar
    Patricia maguire — 17.04.2020 02:42
    My hand are so sore if I take hrt will the pain go


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 17.04.2020 09:57
      Hi Patricia This is something you would need to ask your doctor, we are unable to give advice on HRT, sorry


  • Bridget's photo avatar
    Bridget — 18.01.2020 08:08
    I am having extreme burning pain in both knees that incteases with walking or other activities. I had a right meniscus surgery 4 months ago and I am still having pain. More than before surgery. Just wondering if perenopause could be adding to.the situation


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 20.01.2020 12:00
      Hi Bridget It is best to get this checked out again by your doctor just to make sure there is nothing amiss with the operation site. But, yes, falling hormones can affect the joints so it could be a contributory factor. If your periods have started to tail off or have stopped then you could try the Menopause Support; this is known to gently raise and balance oestrogen and you could also add in the Devils Claw which is used as a natural anti-inflammatory.


  • Susan's photo avatar
    Susan — 15.01.2020 13:45
    Hi Eileen, I'm quite lucky, because I don't feel much of my menopause, but I do get the odd hot flush, mood swing and my joints sometimes ache a bit, so I'd like to try out Menopause Support. However, I have regular migraines with an aura (I take Topamax on a low dosage) and can't take any medication with estrogene. Is Menopause Support safe for me to take?


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 17.01.2020 06:49
      Hi Susan We tend not to recommend the Menopause Support in this situation, sorry. However, for the odd hot flush, you could take the sage tincture. Magnesium can often help; if you are not taking any you may find starting on a low dose and gradually increasing it over a month or two can be of benefit. Acupuncture may be helpful for both the migraines and the hormones so worth checking out. You can find a local practitioner through


  • Helen Beech's photo avatar
    Helen Beech — 22.07.2019 19:25
    I am suffering severely with joint pain and would be happy to try Devils claw however I would like to ask if it would affect my thyroxine medication. I am currently taking levothyroxin on a daily basis


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 23.07.2019 06:17
      Hi Helen, There are no known side effects with Devils claw herbal remedy. It should be fine to take along with your thyroid medication.


  • Kerry 's photo avatar
    Kerry — 11.07.2019 04:20
    I’m 45 and I’m going through the menopause and my body is changing I need help my body is in pain


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 11.07.2019 06:29
      Hi Kerry I have posted a video blog on joint pain and what you can do to help yourself so please do take a look. However, if you are in a lot of pain it is advisable to see your doctor as well just in case this is not related to the menopause.


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