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Mood swings, for many women, can be one of the more exasperating symptoms of the menopause. This is not just because of the ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ effect it has on them, but also how it impacts upon their nearest and dearest. Our menopause expert Eileen Durward explains that these mood swings are not a reflection of our personal disposition, but rather an unpleasant side-effect of the fluctuating serotonin levels.
Mood swings are one of the most commonly experienced symptoms of the menopause.
For some, the menopause can be like sitting on an emotional pendulum; up one minute and down the next. Just as things seem to be going well and you are in good spirits, something happens and your mood goes crashing to the ground again.
Mood swings affect every woman differently, although there are many consistencies in the symptoms. Most women experience unexplained moods which are continually changing, reactions far stronger than a particular situation merits, irritability and less tolerance or patience than normal.
Mood swings can be frustrating, particularly when they seem out of control and out of character. It can seem that no-one, including your partner, understands what you are going through. It is important to try to explain the symptom to those around you, and also to realise that many menopausal women are going through the same experience.
The menopause is a time when the body is going through major hormonal changes. The hormones which trigger ovulation and menstruation are also important for releasing a mood-regulating chemical called serotonin.
As these hormones decline when you approach the menopause, so does the level of serotonin. Unfortunately the decline of these hormones is not a smooth and steady descent but a bumpy road down. When serotonin level is high, your mood soars; when it is low, so is your mood.
The menopause can also result in other symptoms such as hot flushes, sleep problems and memory lapses. These can be frustrating and add to your irritability. It is important to remember that all of these symptoms are a result of your hormones changing, and often these ease once you are through the menopause.
While it often seems that way, mood swings do not have to take over your life. There are simple changes to your lifestyle which can have a significant positive impact on your daily life.
Getting out in the fresh air can help to lift your mood. Exercise is also extremely beneficial, and it may be worth taking a walk each day even if only for 10-20 minutes. Exercise is also likely to improve your quality of sleep, which somehow makes situations the next day seem much more controllable.
Herbal remedies can be an effective solution if you suffer mood swings without being as intrusive as some conventional medicines such as HRT.
If your periods have more or less stopped, use a supplement containing soya isoflavones – plant substances known as phytoestrogens because they mimic the oestrogenic hormones in your body. TIP: Menopause Support contains isoflavones from fermented soy, hibiscus and magnesium and can help with general symptoms of the menopause, seeing you through this time of life.
"Helped to eliminate all the unpleasant moments of my menopause."
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If you are still having regular periods, but coming up to the menopause, you might also have other symptoms which remind you of PMS. If this is the case, use Agnus castus.
"This product is amazing, it has improved my moods leading up to menstruation by 75%!."
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If your mood swings are the main or most troublesome symptom, you may wish to use St. John’s wort.
TIP: St. John’s wort can be used together with soya isoflavones or Agnus castus.
"They work for me. I no longer feel down or low in mood. I just feel normal."
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If you feel that your mood swings are severe or an indication of a more serious medical condition such as depression, it is important to speak to your doctor for advice.
Depression during the menopause must be managed by your doctor. Your doctor will discuss treatments with you, such as anti-depressants to ease your symptoms. It is important to understand the side-effects before taking these. He may also ask you to consider treatment with HRT to help stabilise your hormones.
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Margaret — 03.10.2017 19:24
At the moment, I have not spoken to my husband for days, I feel so unappreciated at home, we still have 3 teenagers at home and between them and their father I feel as if I'm going round in circles picking up after them and living in a tip, with not one ounce of help to do anything, it's actually making me feel quite resentful and so much a very emotional wreck!!!

eileen — 04.10.2017 10:39
Hi Margaret
This is such a common menopause scenario, you are not alone here! It can be a combination of low oestrogen affecting our mood but also low oestrogen loosening our ability to keep our emotions under control so we can feel angry, resentful or fed up with others really quickly. I have posted a couple of blogs on these situations which you may find explains why you feel like this and what you can do to help yourself. You may need to copy and post these links.

Martha — 18.09.2017 02:21
i have hypothyroidism and therefore have to avoid soy.... is there an alternative

eileen — 19.09.2017 10:14
Hi Martha
There are no contraindication listed with Menopause Support and thyroid medication. Although the Menopause Support contains soya this is fermented which is different to whole soya foods which should be avoided.

Mary Donnachie — 05.09.2017 11:13
Hi I am really struggling at the moment with menopause. Doctor advised I am peri menopausal, he suggested HRT but I have breast cancer history in my family so I did not want to go on this. My period has stopped but I still get the symptoms. I have dealt with pms for years but this is worse.At certain times of the month I get this feeling of hopelessness, it's like a black cloud hanging over me. I feel so depressed, so low. Everything is so difficult.I am so tired all the time, I feel exhausted even after sleeping. I can't remember the last time I slept well. I have other symptoms, sweats and really bad headaches all the time, struggle to concentrate. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Eileen — 05.09.2017 14:43
Hi Mary Sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time. Low oestrogen levels can cause low mood and make you feel very vulnerable. However, have you had low iron, low vit D and low thyroid tested recently by the GP? Especially as you are feeling exhausted. As these health issues can arise at the same time as the menopause and cause similar symptoms or contribute to the menopause symptoms. Let me know thank you.