Nausea and the menopause

Nausea is often connected to pregnancy but it can also occur during the menopause


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  • Edgarvet's photo avatar
  • EthanFano's photo avatar
    EthanFano — 01.06.2024 01:30
    Далеко не откладывайте собственное сексуальное утоление на потом! Позвоните нам в течение [url=]Секс по телефону whatsapp бесплатно, для развития своих навыков общения о сексе, читайте эротику и смотрите эро фильмы[/url] ясно сейчас (а) также примите новейшую главу в течение вашей интимной живота из нашей предложением секса по телефону. Мы ожидаем вас! Ясненько пожаловать на юдоль скорби нового степени сексуального блаженства - шведский секс онлайн числом телефону! В ТЕЧЕНИЕ нашем чудесном сервисе мы предлагаем для вас эвентуальность испытать буква из чем несравненные чувства равным образом подстелиться собственные наиболее заповедные фантазии, просто возвысив трубку. Мобильная эротизм: новь определение близости в течение эру цифровых технологий. Штучка телефона чтобы знакомств и вирта, что-что также [b]Вирт по телефону москва : шведский секс по телефону с МТС равным образом Билайн +7-809-505-6850. Хоть позвонить с подвижного и городского телефонного аппарата, а также строго-настрого запретить обратный звонок телефон женщин москвы для секса[/url] [/b] после оплаты картой девушка позвонит сверху чемодан телефон. В теперешнем гиперсвязанном мироздании способ, коим я переживаем товарищество, час от часу меняется, также мобильная эротика есть в течение авангарде этой трансформации. Применяя средства технологий, эти платформы творчески определяют, яко выходит разговаривать раз-другой иными людьми равным образом проверять наши жажды в эпоху цифровых технологий. Одну изо самых интересных аспектов мобильной эротики представляет собой ее способность рушить барьеры периода да пространства. Всего некоторыми нажатиями на телефоне ваша милость сумеете общаться маленький людьми с честь имею кланяться мира, каковые разобщают ваши интересы и хотения, творя важные связи, таким образом за рубежи географических границ. Сверх этого, мобильная эротика - [url=]Идеальная брюнетка романтический трах вдвоем, порно молоденькие 18 лет[/url], предлагает уровень опции равно персонализации, капля коих традиционные фигура эротики просто безвыгодный могут сравниться. От персонализированных рекомендаций до настраиваемых профилей — эти платформы разрешают юзерам творить являющийся личной собственностью являющийся личной собственностью уникальный опыт и приладить собственные изыскания в течение соответствии с близкими личными предпочтениями. Но, пожалуй, наиболее главное, мобильная эротика помогает избавиться от стигматизации дискуссий что касается сексе а также желании, творя более обнаженную (а) также инклюзивную культуру близости. Предоставляя народам не опасное а также замедляемым пространство для осуществлении домашних капризов равным образом общения с другими, данные платформы помогают сломать запрет равным образом пропагандировать сильнее крепкое отношение ко сексуальности. Самые теплые разговоры [b]вирт рублей по телефону[/url] [/b] только у нас! В тишине, кае товарищество эпизодично кажется неуловимой, подвижная эротика предлагает маяк веры — напоминание о том, что электросвязь также эрекция хронически отыскиваются сверху расстоянии один-одинешенек клика. Если вы готовы к новым ощущениям, не теряйте время и набирайте наш номер [url=]Секс по телефону в Московской области[/url] прямо сейчас! Жаркие разговоры ожидают вас, чтобы воплотить в жизнь самые смелые фантазии. Откройте для себя мир удовольствия с нашим сексом по телефону бесплатно!


  • Maria Ward's photo avatar
    Maria Ward — 07.05.2020 08:05
    I have nausea alot and aches all over my body.Also fatigue,sudden sharp pains in my overies and fallopian tubes,frequent urination at night,gas,belching,acid reflux,shortness of breathe and lumps on my bones that are tender to touch....especially my ribs.My back and buttocks hurt constantly.I feel dizzy at times too.


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 07.05.2020 09:16
      Dear Maria, I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so terrible. There may be a number of factors at play or a single issue. It is important that you talk to your GP as only a medical professional can diagnose a medical condition. Once you know what it is you are dealing with we will be happy to help you with any information that you need. Keep safe and kind regards, Eileen


  • Maria Ward's photo avatar
    Maria Ward — 07.05.2020 08:04
    I have nausea alot and aches all over my body.Also fatigue,sudden sharp pains in my overies and fallopian tubes,frequent urination at night,gas,belching,acid reflux,shortness of breathe and lumps on my bones that are tender to touch....especially my ribs.My back and buttocks hurt constantly.I feel dizzy at times too.


  • Teresa's photo avatar
    Teresa — 06.03.2020 02:28
    I've been experiencing severe Waves of queasiness accompanied with getting hot and and drinking water seems to calm it but last week it hit me so hard I literally passed out, is that something that happens in symptoms


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 06.03.2020 15:59
      Hello Teresa, Queasiness and hot flushes can be really common during the menopause. However, it would be a good idea to have a health review with your GP and discuss these symptoms.


  • Sarah's photo avatar
    Sarah — 26.02.2020 21:56
    Dear Eileen, I'm almost 2 years postmenopausal but still getting horrible hot flashes, insomnia, nausea,diarrhea,dizziness, etc.(I was getting tachycardia but the Carbamazepine helps due to its increasing ADH levels. I also have POTS and Trigeminal Neuralgia). The panic attacks I think are related to hormones as well. Anyway it's still beyond bearable and I don't wish to take HRT. Any information would be welcomed. Thanks Sarah Wind PS: I can't remember your last name. I don't mean to be disrespectful.


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 27.02.2020 10:31
      Hi Sarah I have posted several blogs on anxiety and what you can do to help yourself so please do take a look. Anxiety in the morning


  • Lyn's photo avatar
    Lyn — 02.07.2019 23:16
    It has been 3 years since last period. I don't take any HRT or anything and wanted to know if fatigue (not real bad) on a daily basis and aches and pains off and on should still be happening 3 years later??? Some days I just feel blah and want to sleep. Have had chronic back pain for 10 plus years and some days just want to chill out. I never really got hit flashes but would get a little warm now and then. How long can women have menopausal symptoms??? Thank you


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 04.07.2019 12:14
      Hi Lyn Symproms can go on longer for some women but often other health issues may be involved. Fatigue can also be caused by low iron, low thyroid function, low vitamin D or B12 so it is a good idea to ask your doctor to test for these just to rule them out. It is difficult to say how long symptoms will last as it is different for every one, sorry.


  • Leanne's photo avatar
    Leanne — 18.06.2019 02:35
    Hi. I recently had ufe. About a week before my first cycle after the procedure I began having hot flashes, extreme nausea that i couldn't eat and barely drink, dizziness but worst of all was this panicked state of anxiety that lasted for 3 days. I felt terrified, hopeless and like there was not 1 thing too look forward to or enjoy doing. I had to make myself keep busy and surround myself with people to avoid panic attacks. If this is menopause or perimenopause i need help with the nausea and psychiatric presentations, the hot flashes didn't really bother me. The mental state scared the hell out of me


    • Eileen Durward's photo avatar
      Eileen Durward — 18.06.2019 13:25
      Hi Leanne We do know that any physical or emotional stress/shock can affect the hormones quite dramatically and it can sometimes take a little while for everything to settle down again. However, it is really important to go back to your doctor first about this just in case it is related to the operation. Your doctor can may be able to check your hormone levels to see what might be going on and suggest something to help in the meantime.


  • Nancy's photo avatar
    Nancy — 31.05.2019 15:11
    Nausea and fatique in post menopause and treatments


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 03.06.2019 09:29
      Hi Nancy Hopefully the tips above will be of help for you and you can see more on fatigue here


  • Shanda Livolsi Owen's photo avatar
    Shanda Livolsi Owen — 09.04.2019 13:35
    My name is Shanda. I’m 40 years old I’m suffering from night sweats, hot flashes, and nausea. My blood work showed I am in menopause. I went nine months with no cycle, however I started nine months to the day with a seven day period. Help


    • Shanda Livolsi Owen's photo avatar
      Shanda Livolsi Owen — 09.04.2019 14:35
      Correction I am 48 years old.


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 10.04.2019 11:26
      Hi Shanda Periods coming back after 6 months or more is quite common and just often due to a 'last fling' by your hormones. However, we do also advise getting a check up from your doctor as well just to make sure there are no other triggers such as fibroids.


    • Shanda Livolsi Owen's photo avatar
      Shanda Livolsi Owen — 17.04.2019 17:50
      Hi, thank you so much for your reply this helps me out ! Also struggling with severe panic attacks. I’ve had anxiety my whole life but never a panic disorder where my blood pressure shoots through the roof. Found myself in the hospital and was told I’m having panic attacks. Wondering if this is hormone related as well. So many changes going on and I’m not taking any supplements or anything for my menopause.


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 18.04.2019 10:19
      Hi Shanda Menopausal panic attacks are usually caused by a reduction in oestrogen levels. If you don't get another period within the next month or so you could try Menopause Support to gently support your oestrogen. It is important to focus on eating regularly as low blood sugars can trigger an attack - have something, however small, every 3-4 hours, e.g. a banana or some dried fruit or nuts. Also, keep your water intake up as dehydration makes you feel way more panicky and gives you palpitations. Avoid caffeine if you can, as this can trigger panic attacks too, as can very sugary foods. To help yourself further, start practicing simple breathing exercises several times daily - you may be surprised at how good this is at averting panicky feelings. Get some gentle outdoor exercise every day if you can - just 10-20 minutes gentle walking makes you feel better. Check your diet for wholegrains, dried fruit, nuts, seeds and green veg, as these are sources of magnesium which supports your nervous system. You could take an extra magnesium supplement too (e.g. Salus Haus Floradix liquid magnesium), and there is some magnesium in the Menopause Support. Herbs such as Avena sativa can be extremely calming too.


    • Shanda Livolsi Owen's photo avatar
      Shanda Livolsi Owen — 18.04.2019 14:06
      Thank you so much. I cannot tell you how helpful this information is. I appreciate you and appreciate your time and research! This makes me feel so much better. I’ve realize that panic disorder in a panic attack is completely different than every day anxiety. I have suffered from anxiety my entire life but these panic disorder episodes when my blood pressure rises to 180/100 with the crazy rush through my body is a whole Nother issue. My resting blood pressure is usually 99/69. I jog 3 miles every day. This is definitely helping me. Menopause and panic disorder going hand-in-hand it makes much sense. Again I appreciate your time and your help!


  • Lisa Carvell's photo avatar
    Lisa Carvell — 09.04.2019 12:08
    My name is Lisa I'm 40 and experiencing the beginning of menopause and I'm having trouble keeping food and liquids down this only occurs when I get my period and my periods have been getting worse with each month that passes I'm having more pain and having trouble keeping my thoughts straight. What can I do to feel better?


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 10.04.2019 11:26
      Hi Lisa My colleague Emma has written a blog about nausea and periods and what you can do to help yourself so please do take a look and, hopefully, it will be of benefit for you.


  • Trish's photo avatar
    Trish — 12.01.2019 20:43
    I am 49 and just went into menopause a few months back. I did not think it would be this bad. Nausea and anxiety has me tied up in knots even though I have min stress in my life. I am slim, get plenty of exercise, eat healthy until all this nausea started. Now I am having anxiety and can barely drink or eat anything. I am anxious to finally go to the doctor in hopes they can give me something to cut the nausea so I can atleast eat and drink. I most of all pray this doesn’t last the rest of my life.


    • Eileen's photo avatar
      Eileen — 14.01.2019 15:29
      Hi Trish Hopefully the tips above will be of benefit for you, sometimes simple things work well! However, if you don't see any improvement then it is best to check with your doctor.


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