Period pain and menopause

Period pain can be a symptom of the menopause


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  • Mary's photo avatar
    Mary — 19.09.2017 00:49
    Thank you!


  • Mary's photo avatar
    Mary — 11.09.2017 17:09
    I have always had painful periods due to fibroids. Now at 52, pain persists on the regular monthly cycle, but menstrual flow is not present. Do I still need to be concerned about becoming pregnant? A baby at 52 is less than desirable. Can pregnancy occur without the menatrual flow? How would I know if I'm still producing viable eggs?


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 12.09.2017 09:32
      Hi Mary Getting period pains without a period is really common as you approach the menopause. Although your hormones may be falling there is still a monthly cycle for a good while, the hormones may not be high enough to trigger a bleed but can still cause all the usual monthly symptoms. You may find taking a magnesium supplement 200mg twice a day can help with the pain. You are not considered safe from pregnancy until you have not had any periods for two years so it is wise to continue with some from of protection until then.


  • Julie's photo avatar
    Julie — 15.08.2017 11:37
    So much useful advice, thanks


  • Gavriella Rut 's photo avatar
    Gavriella Rut — 18.07.2017 05:01
    I'm going through the change. I'm period for a long time but still stomach cramps. And getting hot. It's already hot in Israel but these hot flashes are terrible. Plus I cry easy. I'm getting married in 55 days and I don't want to upset or freak out my new husband. What do you suggest.. I am also exhausted beyond belief


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 18.07.2017 13:12
      Hi Gavriella If you are still getting stomach cramps with no periods after quite a while it is really important to get this checked out by your doctor. Tell them also about the exhaustion as this could be caused by factors such as low iron, low thyroid function, low vitamin D or B12. You can try the herb sage or Black Cohosh to help with the flushes but remember to drink lots of plain water everyday as dehydration can quickly cause rebound flushes and it can become a real vicious cycle! A magnesium supplement can often help with the emotional issues and be aware that any stress and anxiety can make symptoms worse and planning for a wedding is known to be very stressful! So... do get plenty of rest and relaxation.


  • Melissa Ellis's photo avatar
    Melissa Ellis — 12.07.2017 16:01
    Some very useful tips here


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 13.07.2017 09:47
      Hi Melissa Glad to be of help!


  • Ally's photo avatar
    Ally — 04.07.2017 07:32
    Light period, that lasts only hours, severe pelvic pain


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 04.07.2017 13:27
      Hi Ally Light periods like this often indicate that your hormones are slowly decreasing towards your periods stopping for good. However, any pelvic pain, especially if it is severe, must be checked out by your doctor as well.


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