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Hormonal and physical changes during the menopause make many women more likely to gain weight. This can often be a demoralising experience that leads to many encounters with fad diets and other quick fixes. However, our menopause expert Eileen Durward endeavours to explain why drastic dieting is not always the answer and what can be done.
After the age of 40, the human body is susceptible to gaining, on average, one pound a year. When women reach the menopause, this average weight gain is likely to increase because of hormonal and physical changes which take place at this time. Many women feel self-conscious about this and attempt to crash diet to counteract the effect. However, these actions do not tend to be effective as eating too much is not usually the cause of weight gain during the menopause.
Many people feel that the weight they gain during the menopause is more noticeable because it tends to accumulate in one area of the body rather than be distributed evenly across the body. The most common place for weight to accumulate is around the tummy and this can be difficult to shift once there.
The hormonal fluctuations you encounter as you enter the menopause means that your body deals with the food you consume in a different way, all too often resulting in weight gain. Your metabolism (the rate at which you burn off calories) reduces, which means that you store more calories than you will burn. This is only made worse if you are spending less and less time on the go or exercising.
When you go through the menopause, particularly if you are feeling somewhat stressed, the production of the hormone cortisol will increase. When your cortisol levels are high you are more likely to develop fat around the middle.
Most women try to counteract the weight gain at home, and if this is done correctly can be the most effective means of preventing the weight from building up.
It is important to remember that any remedy cannot remove weight for you – it can only be an aid together with a calorie controlled diet.
Kelp has been used for many years to help improve the metabolism and as an aid to weight loss. It is rich in minerals, especially iodine, which is important for normal production of thyroid hormones in your body. This in turn encourages your body to burn up the food you eat, giving you more energy.
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If you are really struggling to control your weight and have not found that home and herbal remedies are helping, it is important to seek medical attention. While your doctor may be reluctant to prescribe diet pills on the basis that it is the menopause causing you to put on weight, he will be able to work with you to find a solution.
It is important to remember that weight gain can have a serious impact on your lifestyle and health. Weight gain or difficulty losing weight are also symptoms of an underlying health condition such as low thyroid function, which will need to be treated by a doctor.
If you are worried about your condition or fear that it is causing you to have further health problems such as heart disease, then it is vital to seek medical attention.
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Colleen olivier — 09.03.2021 18:09
I would like to try the kelp tablet however I am nervous as I'm worried it will cause thyroid problems. Will kelp manage the hot flushes, sleep, moods and weight gain? Look forward to hearing from you.

eileen — 17.03.2021 14:03
Hi Colleen
Kelp tablets are a natural source of iodine which contributes to the normal production of thyroid hormones and is known to help with the metabolism and weight control.
For flushes and sweats we usually recommend sage tablets.

Emma fox — 07.10.2017 08:33
Can you advise me what can help with menopause and weight gain please

Mandy — 22.08.2017 02:30
I would like to try Avogel

Mandy — 22.08.2017 02:28
I would like to try

louise — 17.08.2017 21:27
1st heavier after eighteen months parcial hysterectomy why

Eileen — 18.08.2017 09:27
Hiya, With this kind of operation most women will get the menopause at roughly the same time they would have done had they not had the operation. Weight gain and low energy are common symptoms in the menopause, as the hormonal shift is so demanding on the body. Make sure that you are drinking plenty of plain water through out the day and try Molkosan Original to kick start your day. You may find books on the Low GL Diet or the Paleo Diet or the SIRT Diet helpful.

Carol Hush — 07.07.2017 20:55
My weight gain and craving for sweet food is getting me down. I am walking kilometres every day with my young dog, low energy and mood. Usually at this time of year I have endless energy but not this summer :-(

Eileen — 10.07.2017 15:03
Hello Carol, Weight gain and low energy are common symptoms in the menopause, as the hormonal shift is so demanding on the body. You may find books on the Low GL Diet or the Paleo Diet or the SIRT Diet helpful. For sweet cravings check out a Chromium supplement from a health food shop near you and a magnesium supplement can help your symptoms too.