Calcium & Menopause: Why you need this vital nutrient

Eileen Durward
Ask Eileen

12 June 2017

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Today's topic

Hello and welcome to my weekly video blog. And today on A.Vogel Talks Menopause I'm going to be discussing the role of calcium in the menopause.

Now for those of you who have been watching for a while you know that a couple of months ago I posted a blog on 'How Important Magnesium is in the Menopause.' And one of the main reasons magnesium is important is to help with the absorption and utilisation of calcium. So I thought today we would do the other half and talk about calcium and how important it is during the menopause. 

What is calcium?

Now when most of us think of calcium and what it's used for, we'll go, "Oh, it's good for the bones, it's good for the teeth." And that's really all that we think about, but calcium is needed for so many different processes in the body. It's needed to carry messages along the nerves in your nervous system, it's needed for muscle contraction so it helps you moving and exercising, it's really important for regulating the heart. And low levels of calcium can contribute to anxiety, stress, mood swings, depression and it can interfere with your sleep.

And if that's not all, then if you are not getting enough calcium to help with all these other things which are very, very important then the body will actually take calcium from your bones to use in these instances and if this happens ongoing, then you can end up with either osteopenia or osteoporosis. And unfortunately during the menopause, you're falling oestrogen could also interfere with the ability of the bones to hang on to calcium. So you can end up with a double whammy of calcium loss in the menopause.

What do you need to do?

So, what do we need to do to counteract this? I'm going to tell you about the things you need to do to get lots of calcium and the things to avoid as well.


So, the most important thing here especially when we're looking at osteoporosis in the menopause is how to prevent it. Osteoporosis, there are over 3 million people in the UK at any given time with osteoporosis and there are over half a million people a year end up with fractures through osteoporosis and a large number of these are women either in the menopause or post-menopausal. So to get our calcium balance right in and after the menopause is absolutely vital for our ongoing health.

Where do we get calcium from?

So, where do we get this calcium from? The best way to get it is from food. Now, not all of these foods might be the tastiest but you can do wonderful things these days and there's recipe books galore to help you make the most of these particular foods.

Dark green leafy vegetables

Number one is your dark green leafy vegetables. So these would be things like collard greens, it would be things like broccoli, kale, bok choi and all sorts of dark green leafy vegge.


They're beans, the likes of white beans. Now I don't mean that you go and eat tins of baked beans because there's lots of sugar in them but the beans that go into baked beans if you use those on their own in stews and casseroles you get a lovely surfing of calcium out of them.

Mung beans and dried fruits

Things like mung beans are absolutely fabulous as well. You can look at dried fruits. Couple of dried figs a day will give you a lovely surfing of calcium.


We can look at oranges and I was surprised at this because I didn't actually realise that oranges are quite high in calcium.

Meat & fish

If you're meat and fish eater we've got sardines, we've also got salmon, we've got nuts.

Almonds & tofu

Almonds are wonderfully high in calcium. You can get a nice serving of calcium from tofu.


Now dairy, this is a bit of a contention. A little bit of dairy can be good for you but watch that you don't take too much. The reason being is that dairy is certainly really high in calcium which is great but it's very low in magnesium.

And if you have a lot of dairy products you can end up tipping the balance and that can cause problems with your magnesium which can cause problems with all sorts of other things. So if you must have dairy then go organic.

And this is really important for several reasons. Because of today's intensive farming methods, a lot of the cows are fed antibiotics they're also given all sorts of additives in their feed. And this will end up going into the milk. And also because of the intensive farming methods in the breeding of cows, a lot of cows have their own hormones whizzing around their system that get into the milk as well. So just make sure that if you have dairy then just a little bit of good quality organic dairy or grass fed dairy products can be really good as well.

Vitamins & minerals

Now, the other thing that your body needs is a combination of other vitamins and minerals that help with the uptake and utilisation and absorption of calcium. And these are vital, if you're going to get the best benefit out of the calcium that you're getting in your diet you need these other factors as well. So remember magnesium, obviously that's number one and we know that. vitamin K, vitamin D, phosphorus, and boron as well. 

How vitamin & minerals help calcium

Now, magnesium helps the body to absorb and retain calcium so it's going to keep the bones nice and strong. Your vitamin K helps to regulate the uptake of calcium and helps to form really strong bones. Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium.

Now this is really important here especially if you're wanting to have dairy products to help supplement your vitamin D. Vitamin D is fat soluble, so if you drink low fat milk, semi-skimmed milk, low fat cheeses you are going to get very little vitamin D. So in order to get the benefit of vitamin D from dairy products, you need to drink or eat the full fat varieties. Now your phosphorus as well is really important because that can help again with the balance of your calcium.

Where do you get these from?

So, looking at where do we get these things from. Nature is absolutely wonderful. Because nature also includes a lot of these vitamins and minerals with foods that are rich in calcium. So if you're getting a really good varied diet with all sorts of different vegetables and fruits and nuts and beans, you're going to get a wonderful combination of your magnesium, your vitamin K and your vitamin D and everything else that you need in order to have your healthy bones. So this is fabulous you know you don't really need to look at loads of different supplements to help with everything. 

What should you avoid?

Now, what about the things that you should avoid? Number one is salt. Salt will leach calcium from your bones and that will lead to brittle and weak bones.

Caffeine is another one that is so bad for the bones and they reckon more than two cups of caffeine and coffee a day will cause problems with your bones which is quite horrific.

We've got alcohol. And alcohol will interfere with the absorption and utilisation of calcium. So that should be kept definitely at a minimum.

We've got soft drinks and soft drinks contain chemicals called phosphates and phosphates, the body really doesn't like the phosphates they're very acidic. So if you drink a lot of fizzy drinks and soft fruit juices with lots of sugar in them the body will take the calcium from your bones in order to neutralise these phosphates. So fizzy drinks really should be avoided at all cost if you want to have nice healthy bones.

Something that may interest you

Read my blog - 5 drinks that can upset your menopause - for more information on drinks to avoid.

Exercises that can help keep the calcium flowing

The other thing to do is weight bearing exercises in order to help to keep the calcium flow going. So we're looking at things like walking, brisk walking, power walking, jogging if you can do it. And ballgames like tennis can be absolutely wonderful. Dancing you know if you love dancing, this is the fabulous regular exercise for keeping your bones absolutely strong.

A word of warning

Now, just sort of one word of warning here. We're looking at calcium supplements and a lot of people will just automatically think, "Oh, I'll just take a calcium supplement." You need to watch what kind of calcium supplements you're taking. The most common kind is called calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is basically chalk. And you are taking these tablets which are usually very big and probably quite difficult to swallow, your body will have a hard time breaking these down and the amount of actual usable calcium from these tablets is going to be very little. So try to avoid anything with calcium carbonate in it.

If you're looking for one of the best forms it is something called calcium citrate. Look for capsules purely because they are easier to break down and they are easier to absorb and if you are getting a really good diet, you shouldn't need a great big tablet.

Five hundred milligrams (500mg) at most should be more than ample to see you through the menopause. Try and take it in a divided dose because if you have too much calcium at once the body is really going to struggle with what to do with it, where do I need to put this? And sometimes it's a good idea to actually take it with a magnesium and you can also get calcium supplements now that have vitamin K and vitamin D in them. So it's a nice all round package if you can get it in the right quantity. 

Other medications

The one other thing that's really important here for two reasons is if you are on other medication. Some medications should not be taken alongside calcium so you need to double check if you're on anything from the doctor make sure that you can take calcium with it.

Digestive problems

And the other thing to look at is one of the things that we've discovered is that a lot of women get digestive problems because of the falling oestrogen but it's not picked up as being menopausal.

So they're going to the doctor and they are being given prescribed drugs that suppress stomach acid. Now these particular family of drugs by suppressing the stomach acid can also interfere with the breakdown of calcium and magnesium. So if you're on any of these types of tablets, most of them are called Proton Pump Inhibitors or PPIs, if you're on this form of medication if you are going through the menopause and if you are worried about your bone health then it's really important to talk to your doctor to see if there's some way that you can get around this.

Calcium in the menopause

So calcium in the menopause, it's a huge subject. It can be really, really complex. I've tried to just whittle it little down to some of the most important facts. Hopefully this will give you some idea of how important calcium is and also the ways in which you can quite easily incorporate it into your diet. 
So, I will now take a big deep breath and I will look forward to seeing you next week on A.Vogel Talks Menopause.


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  • jan.routledge's photo avatar
    jan.routledge — 14.06.2017 14:48
    Hi Eileen, I take a low dose anti acid Lansoprozole. Could I take the Calcium Nitrate as a benefit would it help? I take Calcium and Magnesium now but it is the calcium carbonate large white pills which I now understand do not have much value. Thank you.


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 15.06.2017 10:40
      Hi Jan The problem with Lansoprazole is that it may affect calcium absorption so taking any kind of tablet may not be giving you the best results. I would suggest going for a powdered one which you can dissolve. A company called Viridian do a powdered calcium, magnesium and zinc which may be better for you.


  • Fatima's photo avatar
    Fatima — 13.06.2017 17:36
    hi eileen, I'm 50 and I 'm missing my period since march. I have had many symptoms that you already mentioned, so your blog has been so helpful and I thank you for that :) Now I'm having some sort of white patches(I don't know the correct word in English) in my nails that I' didn't have before is this a calcium deficiency symptom ? I'm struggling with anxiety too. Regards Fatima


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 14.06.2017 08:26
      Hi Fatima White patches in the nails often indicate low zinc (which is really common in the menopause) so you may find a zinc citrate supplement 15mg once a day and our Urticalcin (which is known to help nail growth generally) beneficial.


  • June McCabe's photo avatar
    June McCabe — 13.06.2017 17:27
    If I take a multivitamin & iron will this help I must be post menopausal I'm 62


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 14.06.2017 08:26
      Hi June A good female multivit is fine but I would only suiggest you take the iron if yyour level is low, as too much iron is not good for you. Your can ask your doctor to test your iron levels


    • Sue's photo avatar
      Sue — 14.06.2017 13:09
      Many multi vits contain iodine which could upset your thyroid to tailor your requirements rather than one big 'cover-all' pill


  • Bobbie's photo avatar
    Bobbie — 13.06.2017 13:55
    Is there a forum for women to discuss issues regarding menopause? I feel very alone...I live in Costa Rica. I do not have lots of friends here that I feel comfortable discussing this with


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 14.06.2017 09:26
      Hi Bobbie Unfortunately, we don't have one through this website, but, hopefully you will find plenty of information here and you are welcome to email me directly if you have a specific question. There are a number of discussion forums on-line. Best thing to do is Google and then you can pick one that appeals to you.


  • Cheryl's photo avatar
    Cheryl — 13.06.2017 12:24
    Very useful information. I find all the menopause topics interesting, informative and expained simply. Your Menopause Mondays have helped me to understand this complex time of life. Thank you x


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 14.06.2017 08:26
      Hi Cheryl Your welcome!


  • fran's photo avatar
    fran — 13.06.2017 07:19
    very informative.


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 13.06.2017 10:36
      Hi Fran Thank you!


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 14.06.2017 08:26
      Hi Fran Thank you!


  • Lady Susan 's photo avatar
    Lady Susan — 13.06.2017 06:29
    I really find your weekly blog extremely helpful and am listening taking in and heeding your advice I feel so much better already . I look forward to reading your weekly blog. Thank You it's invaluable.


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 13.06.2017 10:36
      Hi Lady Susan You're welcome, thanks for watching!


  • karen horwitz's photo avatar
    karen horwitz — 13.06.2017 06:25
    Hi Eileen. I am experiencing untold pain in my inner thighs, both left and right legs which then goes down into my knees down my calves. Is there any vitamin or something I can take to relieve the pain. I am on my feet quite a bit. Regards Karen


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 13.06.2017 10:36
      Hi Karen This could be caused by a number of things such as poor circulation (which often happens in the menopause), muscle fatigue caused by low magnesium or possible low blood pressure. There is also a possibility of a prolapse, this is where the pelvic floor muscles can weaken so the bowel or bladder or womb can 'shift' position which may then press on some nerves. Also, falling oestrogen can affect our posture leading to leg pains. It is best to get this checked out by your doctor and if you are also getting back or shoulder or neck pain you could see a Chiropractor to get a spinal check-up. In the meantime you may find using a magnesium skin spray can help or you could take 200mg of magnesium twice a day.


  • Jackie Lawrence's photo avatar
    Jackie Lawrence — 13.06.2017 04:33
    Could you recommend the best calcium and magnasium supplement


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 13.06.2017 10:36
      Hi Jackie There are lots of good makes around but I tend to recommend either a powdered combination or a capsule containing calcium and magnesium citrate. Your local health shop should be able to offer your either of these.


  • Sharon's photo avatar
    Sharon — 12.06.2017 22:51
    Thank you for all the information. I have increased my knowledge and understanding around the menopause. The information is amazing. More than I've received from my gp. I went through the menopause at 38 years old, I'm 49 now . I felt totally lost and lonely for years. My Gp was unsympathetic and I unable to support me. I've been on hrt for 2.5 years. As a result of finding a early menopause clinic at my local hospital 2.5 miles from my home. Which I was not referred to. I have severe osteoporosis. Currently on Calceos &vit D , including hrt, I'm still finding a suitable hrt that agrees with mu body Thank you. I always look forward to reading the information.


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 13.06.2017 10:36
      Hi Sharon You're welcome, glad to be of help!


  • S's photo avatar
    S — 12.06.2017 22:20
    This was excellent! Thank you so much. I 've made notes and wrapped the note paper around my supplement box so as not to forget all the very important points.


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 13.06.2017 10:36
      Hi S you're welcome, thanks for watching!


  • Sammy 's photo avatar
    Sammy — 12.06.2017 21:17
    Yet another interesting subject, thank you. I have accupuncture to help with menopause. During the last session, I mentioned that I felt a bubbling along my leg after the needles came out. He said it was a symptom of calcium deficiency. So this weeks topic was very relevant for me! You didn't mention any A Vogel products? Are there any calcium supplements in the range that you recommend? Looking forward to next Monday's message, thanks as ever Eileen. P.s. The accupuncture was suggested by you and it's been fabulous xx


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 13.06.2017 10:36
      Hi Sammy Great to hear that the acupuncture is helping, it was a great help to me as I approached the menopause. We don't do any calcium supplements as such, only a homeopathic remedy to help aid calcium absorption, it's called Urticalcin. This can be taken alongside normal calcium supplements if you feel your absorption is not very good.


  • Julie's photo avatar
    Julie — 12.06.2017 20:04
    I am 52 and going through the menopause, so I love reading all the information and advice you provide. As I am also vegan, I especially love the fact, that you include plant based alternatives to meat and dairy, when you are advising on various foods etc to eat to help certain menopausal symptoms. Thank you!


    • eileen's photo avatar
      eileen — 13.06.2017 10:36
      Hi Julie You're welcome, we do try to include all dietary needs if we can!


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