
Bronchoforce - Chesty cough remedy

Bronchoforce contains Ivy, Thyme and Liquorice, herbal remedies traditionally used for chesty coughs

  • Herbal remedy for chesty or mucus cough
  • Helps the body expel mucus or catarrh from the chest
  • Made from freshly harvested Ivy and Thyme
  • Contains Liquorice root

Chesty coughs can accompany colds or flu. They may come about as soon as the infection starts and could linger for long periods after the viruses have left your system. Herbal remedies have a long tradition of use in treating chesty coughs. Today, they are increasingly being chosen by people who prefer to use natural medicines and those wishing to avoid the use of synthetic cough remedies.

Bronchoforce Chesty Cough is a herbal remedy designed for the relief of chesty coughs, mucus coughs and catarrh. It helps relieve chesty coughs resulting from excess mucus or catarrh in the respiratory tract.

50ml (in stock) 14.08

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